- 論文の詳細を見る
The mixing of stratified fluid through horizontal circulation in the ocean=is investigated in the laboratory. The circulation is generated by a=rotating vertical cylinder in the stratified fluid in a cylindrical cavity=in the visualization experiments. The deepening of a mixed layer into a=stratified fluid with linear density gradient is observed by the=shadowgraph method. The density profiles are measured with a conductivity=probe to examine the characteristic of the density interface in the=cylindrical cavity. The mixing occurs soon after the start of the experiment by the=three-dimensional motion around the rotating cylinder. The density=interface is formed beneath the end of the circular cylinder by erosion of=the basic density and the larger-scale horizontal circulation develops to=enforce the mixing across the pycnocline by the vertical shear as well as=the three-dimensional motion peculiar to the circulation. It is found that=in the mixed layer the vorticity concentration leads to the generation of=the vortex core in which the upwelling pumps up the dense fluid across the=interface.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
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