- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper presents a fundamental research on the free surface flows near a two-dimensional transom stern by flow visualization tests and CFD analysis. The flow visualization tests were conducted at a small circulating water channel with a two-dimensional ship model and the argon laser sheet light. The computational approach is based on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes' equations considering free surface flow. As a consequence, it was found that the free surface flows near the transom stern were complex and comprised by the interaction between vortex shedding from the stern end and free surface.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 2001-03-25
舩野 功
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. Machinery Division
山野 惟夫
舩野 功
山野 惟夫
松野 功
舩野 功
Funeno I
Kawasaki Heavy Ind. Ltd.
Yamano T
Department Of Practical Life Studies Hyogo University Of Teacher Education
Funeno Isao
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. Machinery Division
- 249 応答曲面法の援用によるファジィ固有振動数解析法の開発
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- 58 船体形状の記述と性能評価に関する研究(第2報)
- 1-7 ハイリースキュードプロペラの定常粘性流場解析
- 1-7 A Consideration on Transom Stern Form Design
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- Effect of Transom Stern Bottom Profile Form on Stern Wave Resistance--A Consideration on the Effect of Real Stern End Immersion〔含 Discussion〕
- Effect of Transom Stern Bottom Profile Form on Stern Wave Resistance : A Consideration on the Effect of Real Stern End Immersion
- プロペラ幾何形状のプロペラ水中ノイズに及ぼす影響について
- Effect of Transom Stern Bottom Profile Form on Stern Wave Resistance : An Experimental Study
- 2-15 プロペラ幾何形状のプロペラ水中ノイズに及ぼす影響について
- 2-1 Effect of Transom Stern Bottom Profile Form on Stern Wave Resistance : An Experimental Study
- プロペラ翼端渦キャビテーションの初生について
- ハイリースキュードプロペラの非定常粘性流場解析
- A Method to Confirm Scale Effect of Stern Waves due to a Transom Stern〔含 Discussion〕
- 1-15 プロペラ翼端渦キャビテーションの初生について
- 1-14 ハイリースキュードプロペラの非定常粘性流場解析
- 2次元トランサム船尾造波流場について
- 1-7 2次元トランサム船尾造波流場について
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- 4-23 A Method to Confirm Scale Effect of Stern Waves due to a Transom Stern
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