荒天対応型オイルフェンスの開発 (その2)
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Recently, with increasing worldwide consumption of oil and the ongoing aging of transport fleets, a number of oil spill accidents have had highly negative effects on ocean and coastal environments. In 1997, for example, an accident involving the Russian tanker Nakhodka occurred in very rough mid-winter sea conditions in the Sea of Japan just off the Japanese coast. The recovery operation was hampered by high waves, and the biggest problem was the lack of equipment capable of collecting spilled oil in stormy weather. In 1998 the Association for Structural Improvement of the Shipbuilding Industry (ASIS) initiated a three-year research and development project on large-scale oil recovery systems for severe sea conditions, based on grants from the Japanese Ministry of Transport. One of the items included in this project is research and development for oil booms to be used in severe sea conditions. This report presents the results of associated work carried out in fiscal 1999, the goal of which was to develop a high performance oil boom and operation system. First, several kinds of wave load measurements were carried out in an experimental tank in order to decide the appropriate oil boom design strength, and oil containment performance data were also obtained. Next, basic experiments with respect to an operation system for oil booms in stormy weather were performed in the tank to evaluate fundamental concepts. Finally, based on these experiments, basic design for the operation system was undertaken.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
小林 英一
末田 高嗣
西村 好之
大江 清登
池上 国広
山瀬 晴義
大江 清登
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