On Forward-oriented Wave Breaking just behind a Transom Stern
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When a ship with a wide transom stern runs on a deeper draft than design draft, forward-oriented wave breaking with high turbulence intensity often occurs just behind the transom stern. To prevent or decrease the phenomenon is important for energy saving for such ships, because it generates large hull resistance. The phenomenon is affected by viscous boundary layer formed on the stern bottom just in front of it. Its characteristics are, therefore, more complicated compared with those of similar phenomena observed around bow or in hydraulic waves at shallow water. Based on such understanding of the phenomenon, studies are made to get knowledge effective for transom stern design, i.e., on how to treat the phenomenon, main design parameters ruling the phenomenon and characteristics of the resistance due to the phenomenon.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
山野 惟夫
山野 惟夫
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
山野 惟夫
池渕 哲朗
Akashi Technical Institute Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Yamano Tadao
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Ikebuchi Tetsuro
Akashi Technical Institute,Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Funeno Isao
Akashi Technical Institute,Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Funeno Isao
Akashi Technical Institute Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Yamano T
Department Of Practical Life Studies Hyogo University Of Teacher Education
Ikebuchi Tetsuro
Fluid Dynamics Research Department Akashi Technical Institute Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Ikebuchi Tetsuro
Akashi Technical Institute Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.
船野 功
Akashi Technical Institute,Kawasaki Heavy Industries
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