On Long-Term Distribution of Wave-Induced Response Variables of Ships
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the case of theoretical estimation of the long-term distribution of random variables induced by wave, it is very important to find reasonable supposed conditions. The basic study on character of the distribution and factors having effects on the distribution is required, in order to find the reasonable method of estimation. In this paper, the long-term distributions of such factors of actual ships as environmental condition and operating condition are investigated, at first. And effect of difference between actual condition and usually supposed condition on wave bending moment is studied. Then the characteristic of the long-term distribution of response variables is investigated, and a simplified method of estimation of the extreme value of the distribution is suggested. Applying the simplified method, meaning of the extreme value estimated under usual supposed condition that the ship sails with constant speed uniformly for all headings, is studied. Finally the most reasonable conditions to be supposed in estimation of the long-term distribution are suggested.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
Mano Hajimu
The Defense Academy
Nakasho Keiichi
The Technical Research And Developmentinstitute Japan Defense Agency
UENO Hirozumi
Osaka Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
Ueno Hirozumi
Osaka Shipbuilding Co. Ltd