Wave Making Resistance in Viscous Fluid
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In this paper the resistance of a ship in a uniform stream of a viscous fluid is obtained theoretically to Oseen's approximation. It is shown that the total resistance is expressed as the sum of two components, namely the wave making resistance and the viscous resistance. The former is determined by the sources and the Oseenlets distributed over the hull surface, while the latter is propotional to the total strength of the Oseenlets. The effect of the Oseenlets on the waves and the pressure is turned out to be the same as that of the sources. The authors tried to apply these results to the actual ship resistance problem, and found that there exists a new component of the wave making resistance which is propotional to the skin friction coefficient C_f.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
Takagi Matao
Technical Reseach Laboratory Hitachi Ship Building And Engineering Co. Ltd
Himeno Yoji
College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Himeno Yoji
College Of Engineering Univ. Of Osaka Pref
- 8. Ship Viscous Wake and Resistance in Waves
- Wave Making Resistance in Viscous Fluid
- 1. On the Viscous Flow past Blunt Bodies
- 2. On Viscous Flow about Bluff Body at High Reynolds Number