鋼管交差溶接継手の疲労強度 : 溶接まま継手における残留応力の影響
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The purpose of this paper is to make clear the weld residual stress at toe of tubular T-and/or X-joint. The influence of the residual stress on fatigue strength is also dealt with. It is pointted out that the residual stress perpendicular to the weld line at the toe of tubular T-joint is very similar to that of fillet welded tee joint. After a brief description about the combined effect of mean stress and weld residual stress on the fatigue strength of fillet welded plate joints, the influence of the residual stress on the fatigue strength of as welded tubular joints (T and X) is studied, using fatigue test results which have been already published. The results are presented as the relations between stress range and residual stress, for seven referenced numbers of cycles to failure. Based on the results, the influence of chord thickness on the fatigue strength of turbular joints is discussed.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 表面切欠を有するノズル付あるいはノズル無し圧力容器の脆性破壊に関する実験的検討(溶接工作部,所外発表論文等概要)
- 5.軟質溶接継手の脆性破壊発生特性
- (45) 低荷重脆性破壊の発生に及ぼす低サイクル疲労履歴の影響
- (41) 切欠先端の靱性および歪履歴が脆性破壊発生限界曲線に及ぼず影響
- 海洋工学 : 海洋構造・材料工学の動向
- 動的破壊靱性におよぼす負荷速度の影響 : 母材および溶接部の動的強度の温度依存性(溶接工作部,所外発表論文等概要)
- 417 動的破壊靭性におよぼす負荷速度の影響 : 母材および溶接部の動的強度の温度依存性
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- 曲がりブロック溶接変形の推定法
- 224 曲面外板ブロック製造時の溶接変形推定方法の検討