- 論文の詳細を見る
The fact that the compressed distortion of the seat mucosa of complete dentures (just the term, the seat mucosa will be substituted for the seat mucosa of complete dentures in subsequent sentences) varies from an area to another is considered one of the factors that contribute to adhesive retention, stabilization and masticating efficiency of dentures and also biological problems of the seat mucosa. Some researches have been already reported on the compressed distortion of the mucosa, but it is rather difficult to find any clinically significant values in them form the following reasons ; 1) they measured just strain under a given load, whereas load itself varies regionally in the mucosa. 2) they have not represented accurate relationship between load and strain in the condition of the compressed distortion under various loads. Since the new type transducer was designed and developed by the auther, it became possible to measure both the load and strain simultaneously in a given condition of the seat mucosa and also to compare physical hardness and tension of the mucosa at different regions. The following conclusions were obtained. 1) The simultaneously measured load and strain of the seat mucosa were shown in Tables 1〜4. It was obvious that the load and strain of the seat mucosa were different regionally and they were summarized as follows. a) Both the load and strain of the seat mucosa of anterior alveolar ridge were greater than those of the seat mucosa of posterior alveolar ridge. b) In the mucosa of palate, the load in anterior region was greater than it in posterior and the strain increased with a small difference in turn in the region of middle palate, rugaeand foveola palatini. And the strain in those three regions were with significance smaller than those in the palatal side of the region of premolar and in the region of posterior palatine foramen where the greatest strain was acquired from. c) When comparison was made between the load in the region of alveolar ridge and itin the region of palate, and the strain in those two regions : i) The load in anterior ridge had a tendency to be slightly smaller than it in the region of rugae, but to be greater than it in the region of middle palate, the palatal side of the region of premolar and the region of posterior palatine foramen, and was distinctly greater than it in the region of foveola palatini. The load in posterior ridge had a tendency to be slightly greater than it in the region. [table] of rugae, although the differen between the two was little, and was obviously greater than it in the other regions, that is, middle palate, foveola palatini, palatal side of the region of premolar and posterier palatine foramen. ii) The strain in anterior ridge had a tendency to be slightly smaller than it in the region of rugae and was obviously greater than those in the region of middle palate, foveola palatini, palatal side of the region of premolar and posterior palatine foramene. The strain in posterior ridge had a tendency to be greater than it in the region of rugae and middle palate, but a tendency to be smaller than it in the region of foveola palatini and was obviously greater than those in the palatal side of the region of premolar and in the region of posterior palatine foramen. It was a trend in the aged person over 60 years, however, that difference of strain in anterior ridge, in the region of middle palate and foveola palatini became on the decrease. 2) Diffeerence between in male and female, in right side and left was no significant inthe load and strain of the seat mucosa. Also, difference between in male and female, in right side and left was no significant in the hardness and tension of the seat mucosa. 3) The load and strain of the seat mucosa increased with age. It was, especially, evident in the load in posterior alveolar ridge and in the region of palate. And the strain in anterior ridge and in the region of rugae remarkably increased with age. 4) The load in upper alveolar ridge was significantly greater than it in lower. On the other hand, the strain in upper ridge had a tendency to be greater than it in lower, but no significant difference between the two was found, 5) It was a general trend that the longer the period of wearing complete dentureswere, the greater the load and strain of the seat mucosa became. Particularly, the load in lower ridge in the region of molar and the strain in anterior ridge and in the region of middie palate became evidently greater with age. 6) When observed the hardness and tension of the seat mucosa from the above results (Nos. 1 through 5) on the load and strain : a) In the ages of 40, to 50, the anterior alveolar ridge was evidently softer and less tense than the posterior ridge. In the ages of 60 to 70, the hardness and tension of the posterior ridge became increased and no difference between those in posterior ridge and anterior ridgewas found. In palate, the region of posterior palatine foramen was softest and least tense, then the palatal side of the region of premolar was second least tense, followed by the region of foveola palatini. And the seat mucosa of the region of rugae and middle palate was evidently harder and more tense than the other regions. b) In anterior ridge, the seat mucosa of the aged person over 60 years was softer andless tense than it of the person below 50. On the contrary, in posterior ridge, the formerhad harder and more tense mucosa than the latter. c) Generally, the longer the period of wearing complete dentures was, the softer andless tense the seat mucosa had l tendency to be. Especually, the seat mucosa in anterior ridgehad a less tendency to be softer and less tense than it in anterior ridge. 7. The load and strain in flabby gum were shown in Tadles 5 and 6. Both the load [table] and strain in flabby gum increased with age and according as the period of wearing dentures becamse long. Especially, the strain remarkably increased. In this manner, the more the age and the period of wearing dentures were, the more the seat mucosa changed into the flabby gum. 8) The load of the flabby gum showed a decrease of about 20 per cent under it of the ordinary gingiva of edentulous jaw and, on the contray, the strain of the flabby gum showed an increase of about 150-220 per cent over it of the ordinary gingiva. And the hardness of the flabby gum corresponded to about 1/3-1/4 of it the ordinary gingiva.
- 日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 1968-12-31
- 29. 総義歯床座粘膜, ことに海綿様歯肉の被圧縮量時における荷重量および圧縮量について (第55回日本補綴歯科学会抄録)
- 総義歯床座粘膜の被圧縮時における荷重量および圧縮量に関する研究
- 22. 顎粘膜の被圧縮の荷重と圧縮量に関する研究
- 顎粘膜の被圧縮の荷重と圧縮量の新開発の測定装置
- 10. 同じ患者にいろいろの人工歯で作った総義歯例