部分床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究 (II) : 第2報 部分床義歯の使用状態について
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to estimate the long-term clinical effects of wearing partial dentures, the authors undertook follow-up on 2140 dentures with which 1564 patients were fitted at Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Clinical examinations were performed at the time when the dentures were inserted. Six months to five and a half years thereafter a questionnaire was sent out to each case to ask several simple questions on the dentures, and to attend for re-examination. 1158 cases replied to the questionnaires, and 772 of them appeared for re-examination. As based on the results derived chiefly from the replies to the questionnaires, the following conclusions were drawn : 1. The patients were asked if they were wearing their dentures. The 28.03 percent of examined partial dentures were discarded. In these examined dentures the 21.78 percent of the dentures made of cast cobalt-chromium or gold alloy skeleton with acrylic resin saddles were discarded, and also the 32.56 percent of dentures in acrylic resin with clasps and bars in wrought metal discarded. The rate of discarded dentures in the former was remarkably higher than in the later, and the chi-square test at 5 percent level showed a significant difference between them. But in the rate of discarded dentures was no discrepancy between maxillary and mandibular dentures, among dentures provided for patients of different ages, and between those of men and women. The rate of discarded dentures remained about 10 percent for a year and a half after the examined dentures were inserted. But afterwards it increased to 30 percent after three years and three months following their insertion. And it approached 40 percent after four years and nine months. Furthermore it increased rapidly to 64 percent after five years and three months. In unilateral free-end posterior dentures, unilateral bounded posterior dentures and unilateral combined posterior dentures, the rate of discarded dentures reached 30 percent as early as two years after they were inserted. But in bilateral combined posterior dentures the rate increased to 30 percent after three years following their insertion, and in both bilateral free-end posterior denturesand bilateral bounded posterior dentures, it rose rather slower to 30 percent until fourth year. With the exception of unilateral combined anterior and posterior dentures in which the rate rose to 30 percent after three years, the rate of anterior and posterior dentures increased considerablys lower to 30 percent. Namely the rate of bilateral combined anterior and posterior dentures reached 30 percetat after four years. In both bilateral free-end anterior and posterior dentures, and bilateral bounded anterior and posterior dentures, it increased to 30 percent until fifth year. In unilateral free-end anterior and posterior dentures, and in unilateral bounded anterior and posterior dentures, the rate of discarded dentures did not reach to 30 percent within five years following their insertion, although a small number of them. 2. In 7.76 percent of the constantly worn dentures, aesthetic effects of dentures were dissatisfied by the wearers. Approximate 10 percent of them showed the insufficiency of mastication and pronounciation. In 10.14 percent of the constantly worn dentures the abutment teeth became so movable that the patient could move them with his tongue. The retention and the stability of 11. 58 percent dentures were found to be rather poor. Denture fractures occured in 21.17 percent of the worn dentures, and some of them had been repaired. The constantly worn dentures were divided according to their materials into the appliances made of cast metal skeleton with acrylic resin saddles and those in acrylic resin with clasps and bars in wought metal. With the exception of the insufficiency of mastication the above-mentioned severe side effects of the former were significantly in a less degree than those of the later. 3. As already described the 28.03 percent of examined dentures were discarded for diverse causes. The most frequent cause was the denture fracture. It was found in 29.32 percent of the discarded dentures, especially in 32.61 percent of discarded acrylic resin dentures. Secondly, poor retention and instability of dentures occured in 24.43 percent. The other causes were arranged in order of their frequency : The carious destruction or missing of abutment teeth in 22.48 percent of the discarded dentures, the pain in 10.75 percent, and the incomfortableness of wearing dentures in 5.86 percent. In two years after the dentures were inserted, both of the pain and the incomfortalcleness together were as frequent as 31 percent for the dentures being discarded. But in the periecl from third year to fifth year they decreased to 10 percent. On the contrary the carious destruction and missing of abutment teeth increased from 10 percent to about 30 percent in the same period. 4. One hundred and seventy of 295 cases who discarded their dentures, were wearing the newly constructed dentures, but 125 cases, namely 42.37 percent of them, were not at all wearing the new dentures. The 26.55 percent of the cases discarding maxillary dentures, and the 47.75 percent of those discarding mandibular dentures were never wearing the new dentures. The difference between them was statistically significant. And we found a distinct difference between the cases who had worn the dentures before insertion of the examined dentures and those having not worn them. In the rate of cases not wearing dentures the later exceeded significantly the former. The rate of cases never wearing dentures became higher according as the remaining teeth increased. Namely all of the cases having one or two remaining teeth were wearing the newdentures. But 50 to 70 percent of the cases having twelve to fourteen remaining teeth were not at all wearing the dentures. The cases of the anterior dentures showed the lower rate of cases never wearing dentures than those of the posterior dentures. Obviously aesthetics played acausative role in encouraging the patient to wear the denture. But in the rate of cases never wearing dentures was no significant difference between men and women, and also anaong patients of different ages.
- 日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 1968-07-31
岡 宏
東京医科歯学大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
大山 喬史
後藤 忠正
奥野 正孝
後藤 忠正
川崎 隆二
川崎 龍二
東京医科歯科大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
大山 喬史
大山 喬史
細井 紀雄
郡司 和彦
雨森 洋
東京医科歯学大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
堀田 宏子
郡司 和彦
細井 紀雄
東京医科歯科大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
堀田 宏子
東京医科歯学大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
後藤 忠正
雨森 洋
郡司 和彦
東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 口腔機能再構築学系専攻摂食機能回復学講座 摂食機能構築学分野
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- 548.筋線維組成の相違が噛みしめに伴う筋力向上効果に及ぼす影響(【スポーツ医学的研究】)
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- 上顎部分床義歯大連結子の有限要素解析
- 下顎両側遊離端欠損における咬合採得時の再現性の評価
- 下顎片側性遊離端義歯メタルフレームの動的維持力の解析 : クラスプデザインの影響
- スポーツ歯学 : 最近の動向
- これからの歯学教育への提言
- 歯学における臨床実習と臨床研修の現況と課題(二十一世紀の命と健康を守る医療人の育成を目指して)
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- 咬合面レストを設置した支台歯の変位と歯周組織の応力解析
- 下顎臼歯部インプラント支台カンチレバーブリッジの支台位置が周囲骨の応力分布に及ぼす影響
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- 上下顎歯肉癌に対するモールドの上下同時適用
- 形態・機能美からトータルな美へ
- チタン合金床義歯大連結子のたわみ強さの向上を目指した補強形態の検討
- チェアサイドでできる咀嚼機能評価システムの開発
- 最大膝関節伸展運動に関連した咬筋の筋電図活動
- 大学・社会人ラグビー選手の歯科保健とマウスガード使用状況
- 義歯装着者の咀嚼機能評価法としての混合能力試験の有用性
- 咀嚼機能評価方法の簡便化について
- 混合能力に関する咀嚼機能評価方法について
- 子どもの歯の指導
- 鼻修正術施行後の両側唇顎口蓋裂中学生患者に対するフェイスガードの製作
- ヒト上肢筋H反射と噛みしめとの関連性
- 咬合と等尺性筋力
- 咬合機能と身体運動機能の関連性に関して
- OPAアタッチメントの予後に関する臨床的研究 : 第1報 概説
- チェアサイドでできる咀嚼能力検査法の開発と実用化
- 人工試験食品を使用した簡便な咀嚼機能評価方法の開発
- 片側性遊離端義歯の人工歯部近遠心径と混合能力との関連 : 上顎遊離端欠損での検討
- 片側性遊離端義歯装着者における義歯人工歯部歯列の近遠心径と混合能力との関連
- 17. 部分床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究(II) : (第IV報) 鉤歯のウ蝕について (第55回日本補綴歯科学会抄録)
- 部分床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究 (II) : 第2報 部分床義歯の使用状態について
- 23. 部分床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究(II) : 第1報 部分床義歯の使用状態について
- 部分床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究(II) : 第3報 義歯の破損などについて
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- 歯科治療によりアトピー性皮膚炎の症状が寛解した1症例
- モーダル解析によるマウスガードの評価
- 放射線治療補助装置に関する臨床統計的研究
- モーダル解析によるマウスガードの評価
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- 骨形成過程における PTH/PTHrP receptor の解析
- 日本ならびにタイにおける顎顔面補綴治療に関する臨床統計的比較
- ?粘膜癌に対する密封小線源治療におけるスペイサの適用
- 下顎欠損患者に対する臨床統計的検討 : 第2報 : 過去14年間の補綴治療の概要
- 下顎欠損症例に対する臨床統計的検討 : 第1報 : 過去14年間の外来受診患者の概要
- 顎顔面外傷後の補綴
- 唇顎口蓋裂患者の補綴
- 重傷の嘔吐症状を伴った精神分裂病患者へのミダゾラム静脈内間欠投与法の応用
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- 歯痛
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- 骨の形成過程における基質タンパクとPTH受容体の遺伝子発現の経時的変化