- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was undertaken with the intent of seeking the structural stability in connection parts of various formes of experimental one-piece cast bridge prosthetics, It is well known that connection parts of bridge is infuluenced by the factor of stress concentration. The mastication force was occasionally considerd as a collision force, so the impact forces were served as a model force of the vibration in this study. Impulse responses from the bridge using RION PV-90 B pick up was analysed in terms of frequency domain. In this experiment, it is important that in stead of static addition of force, dynamic vibration was employed. The results were as follows ; Peak frequency on 4 modal sections was appeared by free supporting method. Impulse response was influenced by the connection parts of variousforms in freqtuency domains.
- 1990-10-01
- 顎運動計測装置の顆路再現性とチェックバイト法への応用
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- 総義歯実習における人工歯列弓の多次元解析
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- 食塩水電解分離産物を利用したアルジネート印象材と石こう模型の消毒洗浄について
- 2. 実験的クラウンの使用金属による打診振動現象の解析
- 8. 上顎総義歯患者の咬合音に関する研究 (昭和60年度日本補綴歯科学会東海支部会学術大会講演要旨)
- 2-2-6. 咬合高径の挙上に伴う音声パターンの動的様相 : 特に環境母音の周波数分析 (昭和60年度日本補綴歯科学会東北・北海道支部会学術大会)
- 5. D.S.C.による全部被覆冠の除去前打診音について第1報 : 単独冠について (昭和59年度日本補綴歯科学会東海支部会学術大会講演要旨)
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