- 論文の詳細を見る
Eleven healthy participants were made to perform isometric horizontal jaw movements with maximum volantary efforts in various postures. Surface EMGs from the laterocervical, nucha, shoulder and back regions were bilaterally picked up, and simultaneousuy recorded with jaw force. The results obtaizted were as follows : 1. Electromyographic power value in these regions depended on the directions of the jaw exercises (posteruorly pull> posterolaterally pull> anteriorly push ≒ anterolaterally push, P<0.0001). 2. The directional effects mentioned above were significantly obviotus in the inferior laterocervical (Electrode No. 2) and back Electrode No. 5) regions (P<0.0001). 3. The postural effects out the power valtue were varied with the directions of the jaw exercises (P≒0.03) ; i.e., the highest value during jaw pull was observed in an upright position, while that during jaw push was found in a supine position. 4. From above results, it would be considered that occlusal habits with sustained isometric jaw retrtusion might have higher probability to provolce tlae discomfortableness in the neck, shoulder and back regions than those with protrusion, and that the habits with the retrusion might be more injuriotus in a supine than in an upright position, while those with the protrusion more injurious in an upright position.
- 日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 1990-02-01
- 顎筋の等尺性収縮持続に伴う頸・肩部の筋活動の変化
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- 定頻度反復音信号負荷が下顎tapping運動に及ぼす影響