- 論文の詳細を見る
Using subjects conscious of tempromandibular joint sounds, three-dismensional measurements were taken within the movement of the mandibular border at points where the sounds occured during opening and closing of the mouth. Changes in sound were also observed after fitting splizats. Similar measurements were also taken on patients diagnosed as having a TMJ dysfunction. 1. The mandibular position when sound occured in subjects varied greatly between opening and closing of the mouth. 2. From the characteristic mandibular positions where the TMJ sounds occurred in individuals durinz oteninz and closinx of the mouth, it was possible to divide the subjects into five groups. Splints used were also different according to these characteristics. 3. When the anterior rerositioninx srlint was used on subject in the earlv rhase of opening the mouth, the phase became even earlier. 4. When the stabilization splint was used during opening of the mouth for two of the group with different characterisics, the extent of rosition chanxe in each zroup proved to be different. 5. A rarticular relationshir was observed between the chanzing sound positnon and the splint fitting, which suggests a relationship between the sound position and the cause of the TMJ sound and the effect of splint therapy.
- 日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 1988-12-01
- 1-3-16. 歯の振動に対する手指感覚について : 第4報 上顎の中切歯と犬歯の比較(第77回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会講演要旨)
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- 顎関節症状自覚者の咬合接触状態について
- 7. 全部鋳造冠の外側の変化について : 緩衝能の違いによる差異
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- 2-2-5. 歯の振動に対する手指感覚について : 第3報 歯の変位置と手指感覚(第75回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会講演要旨)
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