鉤維持性およびアタッチメント維持性遊離端局部床義歯装着者について, 経時的に測定した咬合力に関する研究 : 第2報 両側性遊離端局部床義歯における咬合力
- 論文の詳細を見る
The present studies aims to study the periodical change of the biting force after the insertion of a clasp and an attachment extension partial denture and deal with the studies on the periodical change of the biting force of an abutment tooth and an artificial tooth supporting these dentures (a clasp and an attachment extension partial denture by adjusting a unilateral or a bilateral partial denture and inserting each into a missing mandibular unilateral and a bilateral molar. The thirty-eight subjects aged 20 to 49 (m. 20, f. 18) in the present studies have a unilateral or a bilateral molar extracted because of dental caries more than three raonths ago, and are provided with the alveolar ridge suitable for dentureinserting, and have never had any plate dentures, and have normal remaining teeth. Partial dentures consist of clasp extension partial denture (Co-Cr metal framework denture) and attachment ones (ASC 52). To the same subject the author inserted and used a clasp extension partial denture for ten months, and after one more month the author measured each biting force by changing it into an attachment extension partial denture and inseting it. The biting force was measured by the instrument for measuring the biting force with strain-guage (bite element) made by Showa Sokki Co. Ltd. and its record was kept by the multipurpose monitor recorder (RM-150) made by Nihon Kodensha Co. Ltd. The author measured the largest biting force of an abutment tooth, an artificial tooth and each natural tooth on the noninserted side by intercalating the bite element between upper teeth and a lower tooth, and having it bitten as hard as possible. That is, it was measured as follows : immediately before and after the insertion of the denture, two days, and one, two and three weeks, and one, two, three, four, six, eight and ten months after the insertion. The results of the present studies are summarized as follows. 1. The biting force of an abutment tooth surporting a clasp and an attachment extension partial denture in both a unilateral and a bilateral denture is obviously larger immediately after than before the insertion, while it is the smallest in a longterm of periodical change. 2. Plenty of cases show that the biting force of the abutment teeeth of unilateral dentures is smaller than that of the same tooth on non-inserted side in a clasp and an attachment extension partial denture. 3. In an increasing order of the biting force of abutment teeth are the caine, the first premolar, the second premolar and the first molar. 4. There is the least difference in the biting force between an abutment tooth supporting a unilateraland a bilateral denture. And there is also the least difference in the biting force between each abutment tooth supporting a bilateral partial denture. 5. In a clasp and an attachment extension denture, the biting force of an artificial tooth is smaller than that of an abutment tooth, and the biting force of the second molar is clearly smaller than that of the first molar. 6. As shown in many cases of unilateral partial dentures in a clasp and an attachment extension partial denture, the biting force of an artificial tooth is on a great increase one month after the insertion and becomes the largest two or thsee months after. The biting force of bilateral clasp extension partial dentures continue to increase three or four weeks after the insertion and becomes the largest two or three months after the insertion, while the biting force of bilateral attachment extension partial dentures continues to increase three or four weeks after the insertion and becomes the largest two months after the insertion. And each biting force in aunilateral and a bilateral denture often begins to decrease a little about six months after the insertion. 7. In a clasp and an attachment extension partial denture of bilateral dentures, there is a slight difference in the biting force between left and right artificial teeth. 8. In many cases of a unilateral partial denture and bilateral ones with the second molar missing, the biting force of the artificial second-molar immediately after the insertion and from that time on, tendsto be larger than that of the second molar in the case where the first molar and the second one are missing.
- 社団法人日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 1974-11-30
- 鉤維持性およびアタッチメント維持性遊離端局部床義歯装着者について, 経時的に測定した咬合力に関する研究 : 第2報 両側性遊離端局部床義歯における咬合力
- 鉤維持性およびアタッチメント維持性遊離端局部床義歯装着者について, 経時的に測定した咬合力に関する研究 : 第1報 片側性遊離端局部床義歯における咬合力
- 33. 鉤・アタッチメント維持性遊離端局部床義歯における咬合力の経時的推移に関する研究 (第60回日本補綴歯科学会講演抄録)