部分床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究(II) : 第4報 粘膜への影響
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In order to estimate the long-term clinical effects of wearing partial dentures, the authors undertook follow-up on 2140 dentures with which 1564 patients were fitted at Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Clinical examinations were performed at the time when the dentures were inserted. Six months to five and a half years thereafter a questionaire was sent out to each case to ask several simple questions on the denture, and to attend for re-examination. 722 cases received re-examination and 590 partial dentures of them were used at that time. In this report special attention was given to changes in the condition of the gingival margin and the mucous membrane covered by the dentures. The following results were obtained : 1) The changes in the condition of the gingival margin and the mucous membrane were observed in 277 of 590 cases (47 %). In 180 cases (31 %) areas of inflammation were observed, and in 210 cases (36 %) the indentations were showed following the outline of denture bases or bars. 2) In the rate of cases showing the inflammatory reaction and the indentation caused by the partial dentures, the difference between male and female was not significant. 3) The indentations in upper jaws were observed twice as many as in lower jaws. 4) In the rate of the cases showing the inflammatory reaction and the indentation caused by the dentures, was no signifcant difference between the cases having worn dentures before insertion of the examined dentures and those having not worn. 5) The inflammatory reactions and the indentation were observed much more in the cases cleaning insufficiently their mouths and dentures than in those cleaning sufficiently. 6) The antagonistic teeth of the examined dentures were divided into full dentures, partial dentures and natural teeth. The indentation were observed at a lower rate in the cases occluding with full dentures than in the others. 7) Comparing the stable dentures with the unstable dentures, the inflammatory reactions and the indentations in the latter were observed much more than in the former, but their difference was not significant. 8) The examined dentures were divided into the dentures made of cast cobalt-chromiurr gold alloy skeleton with acrylic resin saddle, and those in acrylic resin with clasps and bars in wrought metal. In the latter the inflammatory reactions were observed much more than inthe former, and their difference was nearly significant. 9) Comparing the rates of the cases showing the changes in the condition of the gingival margin and the mucous membrane among the cases of different ages, the inflammatory reactions were most prevalent between the ages of seventy and eighty years, and the indentations between ages of twenty and thirty years. 10) The inflammatory reactions occured most frequently in the period between threeand four years after the insertion of the examined dentures, and the indentations on the mucous membrane in the period from two and a half to four and a half years. 11) The inflammatory reactions on the mucous membrane increased with the decrease of remaining teeth. 12) The inflammatory reactions occured most frequently in free-end anterior and posterior dentures, secondly in anterior dentures, and thirdly in conbined posterior dentures. The indentations were prevalent in anterior and posterior dentures. 13) Observing where the indentations occured on the oral mucous membrane of the upper and lower jaw, they were most prevalent at the palatal or lingual region attached to the posterior border of the dentures. 14) The inflammatory reactions in both jaws occured remarkably frequently at the gingival mrargin which the border of the denture attached to.
- 日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 1969-06-30
後藤 忠正
川崎 龍二
東京医科歯科大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
細井 紀雄
雨森 洋
東京医科歯学大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
星野 敬二郎
東京医科歯学大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
細井 紀雄
東京医科歯科大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
平林 陽助
東京医科歯科大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
後藤 忠正
雨森 洋
星野 敬二郎
東京医科歯科大学歯学部 第1歯科補綴学教室
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- 9. 全部床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究 (I) (第2報) (昭和55年度日本補綴歯科学会関東支部学会例会講演要旨)
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- 23. 動揺度の経時観察を行なつた Bar-Attachment の症例 (第59回日本補綴歯科学会抄録)
- A-1 全部床義歯筋圧面の適合試験に関する研究 (第67回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会講演要旨)
- 26. 全部床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究 : 前歯部被蓋の変化について (昭和54年度日本補綴歯科学会総会 第66回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会講演要旨)
- 部分床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究 : 第5報 粘膜への影響
- 23. 適合試験用ホワイト・シリコーンの物理的な性質について (第2報) (昭和54年度日本補綴歯科学会関東支部学会例会講演要旨)
- 7. 部分床義歯の予後に関する臨床的研究 (昭和43年度日本補綴歯科学会関東支部学会抄録)
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- コ-ヌス・テレスコ-プ--その背景と臨床(コ-ヌス・テレスコ-プ-1-)
- 鉤歯動揺度の経時的変化
- 19. 鉤歯動揺度の経時的変化
- 2A1300 Konuskronen-Teleskopeによる部分床義歯の臨床例
- 7. 鉤歯の動揺度に関する経時的観察 (第57回日本補綴歯科学会抄録)
- 9. 下顎臼歯欠損による下顎体の形態変化に関する実験的研究
- A Clinical Survey of Partial Dentures (III):Part 1. Material and Methods