1-21 Ecological Response of Zoysia japonica to Soil Nutrient Heterogeneity Degree and Its Correspoodiog Growth Pattern
Takahashi Shigeo
National Institute Of Livestock And Grassland Science
Li D
National Inst. Livestock And Grassland Sci. Tochigi Jpn
Takahashi S
National Tohoku Agricultural Res. Center Morioka Jpn
Li Dezhi
National Grassland Research Institute
Takahashi Shigeo
National Grassland Resarch Institute
- Soil organic carbon storage in grazing pasture converted from forest on Andosol soil
- Spatial heterogeneity in a grassland community : Use of power law
- Evaluating the adaptability of herbage species to environmental variation through a long-term grazing experiment
- Seasonal differences in the adaptability of herbage species to environmental variations in a long-term grazing experiment
- 1-21 Ecological Response of Zoysia japonica to Soil Nutrient Heterogeneity Degree and Its Correspoodiog Growth Pattern
- Spatial pattern changes in aboveground plant biomass in a grazing pasture
- Estimation of nitrogen release from decomposing Zoysia japonica litter using its relationship to mass loss