4. 磁気中性線放電 (NLD) プラズマ : プロセス用の新しい高密度プラズマの生成と診断 IV
- 論文の詳細を見る
The magnetic neutral loop discharge(NLD)plasma has been recentry proposed and is not yet widely known. The NLD plasma is therefore sometimes reviewed as a modified ICP. This is an incorrect classification, however, because clear differences exist between the two kinds of plasmas. The NLD plasma is characterized by plasma production in a magnetic neutral loop which consists of zero magnetic field points connected around a circle, where the plasma is generated by applying an rf electric field along the loop. Preliminary experiments with Ar gas show that the Maxwellian distribution of the electron energy of the plasma generated is more easily obtained when a stronger rf antenna power is supplied, which is contrary to the usual convention. This thermalization phenomenon of the electrons is also supported by theoretical considerations. As a result, NLD plasma generation at low pressure and with high rf antenna power results in a high density and low temperature plasma. This is one of the characteristics of the NLD plasma. The other important characteristic is controllability for uniform etching, by changing the magnetic coil current. The applicability to the 0.1mm wafer process is also verified through experimental results.
- 社団法人プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
- 1998-03-25
伊藤 正博
林 俊雄
林 俊雄
陳 巍
内田 岱二郎
坪井 秀夫
内田 岱二郎
林 俊雄
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- 4. 磁気中性線放電 (NLD) プラズマ : プロセス用の新しい高密度プラズマの生成と診断 IV
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