- 論文の詳細を見る
This article is an introduction to a series of successful hand-made computers in Japan-Ising machine, GRAPE, FFT and so on. The performance/cost of these special purpose computers is excellent. We users are confronted by problems requiring huge computing power. General purpose computers such as mainfrarnes, supercomputers, personal computers, and even the best (in terms of cost-performance) workstations are still too expensive for such users. The review consists of the following chapters; 1. Why is hand-made computers necessary? 2. What is the merit of hand-made computers ? 3. Every problem has its own hardware in principle. 4. How easily can we mak.e a computer ? 5. What is the condition for hand-made computers to be competitive ?
- 社団法人プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
- 1994-01-25
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