- 論文の詳細を見る
Attempts were made to clarify some problems of cockroach control in large buildings by means of dry fog-blowing of insecticide. Laboratry-reared adult insects of Blattella germanica Linne and Periplaneta fuliginosa Serville have been introduced into some test-sites. DDVP was only used as test-insecticides. (1) Repeated application tests in which the test insects were confined in a glass ring and placed in each test room showed that the standard amount of the DDVP required for the practical control should be as below : for B. germanica 100ml, per 99cu. meter in a 0.3per cent of oil solution; for P. fuliginosa 200ml., per 99cu. meter in a 0.3per cent of oil solution. (2) It was experimentally confirmed using artificially introduced test-insects that the effect of fogs against the cockroaches inhabiting closed hiding places is difficult to expect, and therefore one should take into consideration that the applied fogs can penetrate into the hiding places by beforehand arrangement. (3) It was also confirmed that the residue after two days showed no effect against German roach. (4) Natural poulation of the cockroaches inhabiting each room of a business building was estimated and the population density and its correlation to the business activity was discussed.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1959-12-25
- ツメトゲブユ幼虫の殺虫剤抵抗性
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- アオバアリガタハネカクシ成虫に対する各種殺虫剤の効力について
- センチニクバエのγ-BHC 抵抗性 (II)
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