コナダニ類に関する研究 I : サヤアシニクダニの発育, 産卵に及ぼす温度の影響
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Glycyphagus destructor (Schrank, 1781) is commonly found in stored food and house dust in Japan, but relatively little is known about its biology. The author observed the effects of temperature to the growth and reproduction of this species by individual rearing method. The colony used was started from hypopi collected from house dust at a house near Tokyo and had been bred for generations in the laboratory. The containers used for keeping the mites were glass tubes, 1cm long and 1cm in a diameter, which were covered with a transparent plastic sheet on one side and with 200 mesh size of wire screen on the other. A few eggs of the mite were placed into a container, and were exposed to seven different levels of temperature ranged from 2℃ to 37℃. All the containers were kept at relative humidity of about 85% R.H., and a mixture of equal amount of dried yiest and laboratory animal food powder was provided as the food for the mites. Each container was examined every day under a stereomicroscope. The mite passes four stages in a life cycle, egg, larva, protonymph, tritonymph and adult. No hypopal stage was observed so far as the present observations concern. The days required for a life cycle from newly deposited eggs to the first oviposition of the females were 72.8 days in average at 10℃, 27.8 days at 15℃, 21.5 days at 20℃, 10.0 days at 25℃ and 9.6 days at 30℃. The eggs did not hatch at 2℃ as well as at 37℃. The survival rate of mites which completed the development from larva to adult was usually more than 95% at the temperature levels 15-25℃. The life span of the females as well as their oviposition period was the longest at 10℃, and the period became shorter as the temperature was raised, but the average number of eggs produced per day per female increased as the temperature became higher, with the maximum figure of 6.8 eggs per day per female in the average at 25℃. The sex ratio of adult which emerged at 25℃ was ♀ : ♂=1 : 0.8,and their 50% survival period of the adult at 25℃ was 15 days in females and 11 days in males. The average survival period was 16.1 days in females and 13.3 days in males.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1974-12-15
- 新築集団住宅の室内塵のダニ相の推移について
- 新築家屋, 一般家屋での室内塵ダニ類の季節変動について
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- 17 都営アパートにおけるダニの発生調査(1973 年の成績)
- コナダニ類に関する研究 I : サヤアシニクダニの発育, 産卵に及ぼす温度の影響
- 6 サヤアシニクダニの集団構造の発達過程におけるヒポプスの出現と這い出し現象について
- 35 アレルゲンとしてのコナヒョウヒダニの性状について
- 20 千葉市葭川に生息するグッピーの生態
- 蚊幼虫天敵魚グッピーの汚水に対する耐性に関する観察
- 75 蚊の天敵魚グッピーなどの汚水有機物除去効果の検討
- 千葉市葭川に見いだされたグッピーの生息環境に関する研究
- 82 蚊天敵魚グッピーの存在が有機汚水の水質におよぼす影響
- 32 蚊天敵魚類とくにグッピーの有機汚染等に対する耐性について
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- 室内塵, 稲藁などの材料からダニ類を検出する方法の比較検討
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