ケナガコナダニの数種建材での増殖, 分布に関する実験的検討
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The reproduction and distribution of Tyrophagus putrescentiae were observed in different flooring materials in the laboratory. When pulverized, such flooring materials as straw mat, carpet and insulation board did not seem to be so suitable for reproduction as the flour of the rat food, which is commonly used to culture mites in the laboratory, but the mite maintained their population density at the level of ca. 100 to 2,000/g for a few months, although their density differed by the materials. Assuming the reproduction index of the mite in the pulverized straw is 100,that in straw+rush was 175.4 followed by 106.4 in rush alone, 55.4 in insulation board+rush and 25.3 in insulation board alone. Population density of the mite in the pulverized carpet was as low as 95 to 460/g, but when 10% of the flour of rat food was added, it increased about 10 times. Crawling mites on the surface of the straw mat reached the peak in number 4 to 5 weeks after a small number of mites were initially placed on the mat. More mites were always recovered from the superficial part of the mat than from the inner part, but the number of mites that invaded into the inner part of mat increased as the number of mites placed initially became large. Some mites were found in the inner part of the hard insulation board also, 4 weeks after the initial placement of mites on the surface.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1987-09-15
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