ゴキブリの卵鞘形成に対する紫外線の阻害効果 (I)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of ultraviolet rays on the oothecal formation were studied on the two species, Peri-planeta americana and P. australasiae. The females at different stages of the oothecal formation were exposed under UV rays mostly composed of 253.7nm in W.L., using a germicidal lamp (100μW・(cm)^<-2>・(sec)^<-1>) for 10min. Irradiation was performed on the whole body or head or thoracoabdominal segments. The resorbation of the genital pouches or deposition of abnormal oothecae of various types were observed frequently by the UV irradiation as shown in Fig. 2. In the first group of females irradiated on the whole body, those that received the irradiation at the early stage in the oothecal formation (the 1st stage as shown in Fig. 1) deposited abnormal oothecae at the high rate as shown in Table 1,suggesting that the most sensitive stage to UV rays was the Ist stage in the oothecal formation. In the second group of females irradiated on the head, abnormal oothecae were also formed at the high rate. However, the third group irradiated on the thoracoabdominal segments proved to deposit normal oothecae as shown in Table 2. These results demonstrate that the receptive site for UV ray stimuli is on the head. This inhibitory effect of UV rays was also observed in four other domestic species, P. fuliginosa, P. japonica, P. brunnea and Blatella germanica. However, in two semi-domestic species, Parcoblatta kyotensis and Nauphoeta cinerea, the inhibitory effect was not observed when irradiated with the same dose of UV rays as shown in Table 3. A possible mechanism of the inhibitory effect of UV rays on the oothecal formation was discussed, including dysfunction of the neuroendocrine systems.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1984-03-15
- 70 オゾンによるゴキブリ集合フェロモンの忌避物質様変化
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- 38 ゴキブリに於る UV と JH 類似物質の体表着色阻害効果
- 17 Ixodes holocyclus 咬着による顔面神経麻痺の 1 例
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- チャバネゴキブリ成虫に対する紫外線の致死効果 : 1. 紫外線照射方法による致死効果の違い
- ゴキブリにおける紫外線の作用機構とチャバネゴキブリの防除実験
- S2.チャバネゴキブリにおける紫外線の直接的,間接的致死効果(テーマ:チャバネゴキブリの理解と防除,第12回日本ペストロジー学会大会(1996年11月26-27日・京都)セミナー講演要旨集)
- 137 ワモンゴキブリ触角基部ゴム状クチクラ下の光受容細胞様構造とその分布
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- 紫外線によるゴキブリ防除実験 : 2. チャバネゴキブリ自然個体群での駆除実験
- 76 ゴキブリの触角基部 antacoria 下の組織
- 8 ワモンゴキブリ 1 令幼虫における日令による紫外線感受性の違い
- 18 クロゴキブリ自然個体群に対する殺菌灯の駆除効果の検討
- 紫外線によるゴキブリ防除実験 : 1. 殺菌灯照射野へのゴキブリの侵入と紫外線の致死効果
- 殺菌灯を用いた2例のゴキブリ駆除実験(第3回研究発表会講演抄録)
- 6 殺菌灯によるゴキブリ駆除実験
- 14 チャバネゴキブリ成虫における UV の致死効果-照射方法による致死効果の差異
- 24 チャバネゴキブリ成虫に於る紫外線致死効果の機構 (1)
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- 53 殺菌灯照射下へのゴキブリの出現と致死効果
- 2 ゴキブリの触角基部に見い出されに紫外線感受部位の組織学的検討
- ゴキブリの卵鞘形成に対する紫外線の阻害効果 : III. 紫外線感受部位の検索
- 4 ゴキブリにおける卵鞘形成阻害を指標とする紫外線感受性の日周変動
- ゴキブリの卵鞘形成に対する紫外線の阻害効果 (II) : 紫外線感受性の日周変動
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