ウイルス感染実験宿主としてのオオカ Toxorhynchites splendens (Wiedemann) 幼虫の集団飼育法
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To improve the group rearing techniques of Toxorhynchites splendens larvae, the efficiency of non-living and living diets were examined. 1. Both of the 1st and 2nd instar reared individually with either dried yeast powder (DYP) or powdered mouse food (PMF) developed to the next stage, and the developing duration from 1st to 3rd instar was 2 days shorter with DYP than PMF. 2. Fifty larvae in each larval stage were reared without food for a fixed period of hours, and the average number of survivors among the 1st instar preying for 48hr were 9.7 (19.3%), that of 2nd instar for 72hr were 4.0 (8.0%), that of 3rd instar for 96hr were 17.0 (34.0%), and 24.0 (48.0%) of the 4th instar survived after preying for 168hr. Those results indicated the difference in the degree of cannibalistic behaviour in respective larval stages. 3. The average survival rate in the 1st instar reared as a group with DYP was 28.0%. It was higher than that of 19.3% obtained by group rearing without food, and that of 2nd instar reared as a group with a mixture of small blood worms (Oligochaeta, smaller than 5.0mm in body length) and PMF was 44.6%. It was about 5 times as high a rate of those reared without food. 4. Almost all larvae in the 3rd and 4th instars reared as a group with enough live blood worms could develop to the next larval stage and pupated without revealing cannibalistic behaviour during the experiments.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1983-09-15
高木 正洋
北村 四郎
大山 昭夫
北村 四郎
山本 典巳
山本 典巳
関西医科大学 微生物
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- ウイルス感染実験宿主としてのオオカ Toxorhynchites splendens (Wiedemann) 幼虫の集団飼育法
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