- 論文の詳細を見る
A survey of gamasid mites found on small rodents was carried out in a wind-shelter belt at Tonden, Sapporo, from April 1973 to June 1974. A total of 843 gamasid mites was collected from 291 rodents (Table 1). Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae (57.4% of all rodents captured), C. rutilus mikado (32.0%) and Apodemus giliacus (8.6%) were the most common. Of the gamasid mites, the majority consisted of three species, Androlaelaps fahrenholzi, Hirstionyssus isabellinus and Haemogamasus sp. (Uchikawa, 1969), totalling 72.7% of all mites. The order of dominance of the above three species of mites was equal for both species of Clethrionomys. No Laelaps clethrionomydis was collected in this locality. The infestation frequency and the number of mites on the hosts were expressed as I/M±m, where I is percent of infested hosts of all hosts examined, M mean number of mites per infested host, and m standard error. The infestation frequency of A. fahrenholzi and of Haemogamasus sp. on C. rufocanus was higher in spring and lower in autumn. However, on C. rutilus, the infestation frequency fluctuated every other season (Table 2). Of H. isabellinus, a high infestation frequency was recorded from spring to summer and no mites were found in winter on both voles. The mean number of A. fahrenholzi on each vole was high in winter, and that of Haemogamasus sp. and H. isabellinus was high in spring. Generally, Clethrionomys voles were more heavily infested by gamasid mites than A. giliacus. And there were no great differences in infestation between Clethrionomys voles, on the whole.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1979-09-15
中田 圭亮
中田 圭亮
Nakata Keisuke
Hokkaido Forest Experiment Station
Nakata Keisuke
Forestry Research Institute Hokkaido Research Organization
中田 圭亮
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- 哺乳類の類縁をさぐる : 新しいアプローチの魅力
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- Geographic Patterns of Cytochrome b and Sry Gene Lineages in the Gray Red-Backed Vole Clethrionomys rufocanus from Far East Asia Including Sakhalin and Hokkaido(Phylogeny)
- 1985年から2005年の野ネズミ発生予察調査資料に基づくエゾヤチネズミ発生予想式
- Reservoir Competence of the Vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, for Borrelia garinii or Borrelia afzelii
- 日本産ハタネズミ亜科寄生ケモチダニ類とその宿主関係(第 5 回日本ダニ学会大会講演要旨)
- 日本哺乳類学会の財政健全化に向けて
- 7齢級トドマツ林で発生した野ネズミ被害とその被害木の枯死過程
- 5 自然感染系野鼠類におけるボレリアの電顕的観察
- リン化亜鉛1%粒剤によるエゾヤチネズミの急性中毒症状
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- 3日間調査でえられたエゾヤチネズミの推定密度の信頼性
- 4 札幌市屯田防風林における野鼠寄生ノミ類、シラミ類、マダニ類ほか
- 札幌市屯田防風林における野鼠寄生ヤドリダニ類の季節消長
- 8 北海道における Haemogamasus 属のダニの新知見
- 札幌市屯田防風林における野鼠寄生ツツガムシ類の季節消長
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- The Biology of the Vole Clethrionomys rufocanus: a Review
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- The Demography of Clethrionomys rufocanus: from Mathematical and Statistical Models to Further Field Studies
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- 72 北海道におけるフトゲツツガムシとカワムラツツガムシの新産地について
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