コナダニ類の alarm pheromone Citral の抗カビ作用の研究 : 1. Citral の抗カビ作用の検定
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It has been observed that there was no growth of fungi in the diet of grain mites and fungi grew when the mites had died. Kuwahara et al. (1975) and Kuwahara (1976) found two kinds of alarm pheromones, Citral and Neryl formate in the grain mites. In order to search the ecological role of the alarm pheromone, antifungal effect of the pheromone was investigated. Three methods, the cup method, the gas method and the modified gas method were employed to observe the antifungal effect of Citral and the hexane extract of Carpoglyphus lactis on Aspergillus fumigatus (Asp. fumi.). The results were as follows : The cup method : A metal cup (φ8mm×10mm) containing Citral was placed in the center of the medium plate inoculated with Asp. fumi. over the whole surface. The antifungal effect of Citral was evaluated as the diameter of the zone of inhibition. As there was no correlation between the diamete of the zone of inhibition and the logarithm of concentration of Citral, it was supposed that the antifungal effect of Citral was due to the evaporated Citral gas. "The gas method" : In order to make it clear whether Citral was effective in evaporated gas or not, the gas method was applied. Asp. fumi. was inoculated over the whole surface of the medium in the petri dish. This petri dish was turned up side down and a paper disc im pregnated with 0.04ml of Citral hexane solution was placed in the center of the lid of the petri dish. The growth of Asp. fumi. was inhibited and the antifungal effect of Citral was due to fungistatic action of the evaporated gas. "The modified gas method" : In order to indicate the antifungal effect of lower concentration of Citral quantitatively, "the modified gas method" was applied. Asp. fumi. was inoculated in the center of the medium plate as a pin point. This petri dish was turned up side down and the paper disc with Citral hexane solution was placed in the center of the lid. The degree of the fungal growth was observed as the diameter of the colony. This method may be utilized for the bioassay of volatile substances. For example, 1ml hexane extract of C. lactis 20g wet weight of mites had the same potency of antifungal effect as 4.8mg/ml of Citral. The phenomenon that some grain mites eat fungi may be one of the reasons that fungi can not grow in the diet with many number of grain mites, but the antifungal effect of the alarm pheromone, Citral, in the grain mites may play the role, too.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1978-09-15
松本 克彦
東女医大・総研 国環熱
松本 克彦
和田 芳武
岡本 雅子
中野 寿夫
松本 克彦
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- コナダニ類の消化酵素について(第 16 回大会講演要旨)
- 23 各種コナダニ類抽出物及び Citral 類似物質の抗カビ作用
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- コナダニ類のフェロモン研究 IV : 4 種のコナダニにおける組成, 警報フェロモン機能および分泌腺
- コナダニ類のフェロモン研究 III : 4 種のコナダニ類からのシトラールの単離と同定およびその役割
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- コナダニ類のフェロモン研究 II ケナガコナダニにおける警報フェロモンの存在とその分泌腺
- コナダニ類の繁殖条件の研究 : XII. 各種飼料内におけるコウノホシカダニの繁殖とヒポプス出現率について
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- 70 コナダニ類の持つ忌避物質について
- 34 コナダニ類の消化酵素 : (2) エステラーゼ
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- ケナガコナダニの七味トウガラシにおける繁殖とその発育史(第 13 回大会講演要旨)
- ケナガコナダニの繁殖条件について(第 13 回大会講演要旨)