コナヒョウヒダニの繁殖条件の研究 : 1. 温度湿度条件と繁殖率の関係について
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An experiment was carried out to observe the effects of temperature and humidity on the reproduction of the mite Dermatophagoides farinae on a culture medium composed of the mixture of the equal amount of dried yeast and fish meal. Approximately 900 mites were inoculated into each of 16 glass container (50ml beaker) containing 25g of the mite food, and were preserved separately in dessicators regulated at different levels of relative humidity by the use of saturated solution of 4 kinds of salts (75-77% with NaCl, 60-68% with NH_4NO_3,55-58% with NaHSO_4,and 39-41% with K_2CO_3). The containers were further kept in incubators regulated at the temperatures of 20℃, 25℃, 30℃, and 35℃, each 4 dessicators with different humidity levels in the same incubator. The population density of the mite was measured at weekly intervals by counting the number of mites recovered with the saturated saline floatation method from 0.5g of the culture media. As shown in Table 3 almost no growth of the mite population was observed in media kept at 20℃ and 35℃, while more or less remarkable reproduction was seen at the temperature of 25℃ and 30℃ so far as the relative humidity was adequate, i. e. at 60% or 57-58%. In general, the speed of reproduction was faster at 30℃ than at 25℃, but higher population density was reached at 25℃ than at 30℃ in relation to the elapse of time. The maximum mite count observed at 25℃ and 57% RH was 4,800 after 23 weeks, that at 25℃ and 60% RH was 4,460 after 13 weeks and 5,665 after 23 weeks, that at 30℃ and 60% RH was 2,445 after 11 weeks. Almost no increase in the population density was observed at the relative humidity of 75-77%. In general, it has been observed that the reproduction of Dermatophagoides farinae in the culture media is considered to be slower but persists longer than that of Tyrophagus putrescentiae, and that the former is adapted to breed at lower relative humidity than the latter.
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- 232 数種コナダニ類の分散に及ぼす温度の影響
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- コナダニ類の繁殖条件の研究 : XIII. 個別飼育のコウノホシカダニの発育に及ぼす温度および湿度の影響
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- 34 コナダニ類の消化酵素 : (2) エステラーゼ
- ケナガコナダニの七味トウガラシにおける繁殖とその発育史(第 13 回大会講演要旨)