- 論文の詳細を見る
The top minnow, Gambusia affinis (Baird et Girard, 1853), is a viviporous poeciliid fish native of the southern United States, and has been introduced into a number of countries mainly with the purpose of malaria control. In Japan, the fish is known to be imported in 1916 via Hawaii and Taiwan, and has been found recently to be breeding widely in polluted waters in and around the city of Tokyo. The present paper deals with the results of observations on Gambusia introduced from Tokyo to Tokushima City of Shikoku Island in April 1969. Tokushima is a city situated on the delta of Yoshino River, where tremendous numbers of mosquitoes were breeding every year in swamps, ditches and rice paddies difficult to be drained. Surveys were carried out on the larval breeding places, and on the seasonal prevalence of adults with light traps set at 6 stations. Of 14 species of mosquitoes found in this area, Culex pipiens pallens was predominant and most widely distributed, while Anopheles sinensis and Culex tritaeniorhynchus were also found abundantly in some swamp areas. In some salt marshes near the sea coast, tremendous breeding of Aedes dorsalis was observed in the rainy seasons. Under such environmental conditions, it was considered by us that the introduction of Gambusia might be an effective measure for the control of mosquitoes, and two shipments of about 400 fishes collected from sewage ditches in the Tokyo International Airport were made to Tokushima by air cargo in April and May, 1969. The fishes were released and bred first in certain ponds and pools, and were further distributed to other ponds, swamps and ditches from the autumn of 1969. Especially successful and effective was the culture of Gambusia in the salt water marshes where Aedes dorsalis had been breeding; from August 1970,one year after the first batch of some 500 fishes were released, they became visible in high population densities all over the swamps, and thereafter complete eradication of the mosquito larvae could be achieved from these areas. Field and laboratory studies were made with Gambusia thus successfully established in large number of pools in and around this city. The results are described in this report on its distribution, the trend of increase in the population densities, the competition with the indigenous fishes such as Oryzias latipes, the capacity as a predator of mosquito larvae, the correlation of the number of youngs borne with the body size of the mother fishes, the intervals of the births, the resistance to the cold temperature and to various poisonous substances in water, etc.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1972-10-15
栗原 毅
沖野 外輝夫
田中 寛
佐藤 英毅
大久保 新也
佐々 学
和田 芳武
元木 貢
田中 寛
山岸 宏
大久保 新也
元木 貢
田中 寛
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- Changes in the Ecosystem of Lake Suwa Attendant upon Human Activities
- 諏訪湖浄化, 「泳げる諏訪湖」へ
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- 強光を利用したユスリカ成虫防除に関する野外実験
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- 諏訪湖定期調査:20年間の結果
- 101 諏訪湖における不快昆虫としてのユスリカに関する研究 (2) : 光によるユスリカ成虫制御に関する野外実験
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- 室内試験でみられた Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis に感染された Anopheles stephensi の吸血源接近の行動
- 蚊成虫の殺虫剤処理網に対する接触試験と殺虫剤に対する反応
- 蚊幼虫の生物的防除のための数種粘液性アブラナ科種子の効果
- 野外における人工光源を用いたユスリカ成虫の走光性に関する研究 : ユスリカ成虫の飛来行動と光との関係
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- ミナミマルツチカメムシの生態 : II. 大飛来とその誘発要因について
- 諏訪湖の魚類群集 : 漁業統計からみた変遷
- 都市の雨水ますに発生する蚊
- アカイエカ発生源対策におけるグッピー Poecilia reticulata 利用の基礎的研究 : 第 3 報野外実験特に殺虫剤との共用
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- 51 諏訪湖における不快昆虫としてのユスリカに関する研究 (3) : 電撃殺虫機を用いた野外成虫捕獲実験
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- 蚊の吸血量とミクロフィラリア摂取数の個体別測定法
- トウゴウヤブカ Aedes togoi の吸血時日令が, マレー糸状虫の伝播に及ぼす影響
- 30 諏訪湖における不快昆虫としてのユスリカに関する研究 (1) : ユスリカ成虫の飛来分布について
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- 落射蛍光顕微鏡によるバクテリアのスライドグラスへの付着現象の観察〔英文〕
- 松本城の濠の富栄養化の現状とその対策
- 諏訪湖における水質および生物群集の水平分布 (3).りんについて
- 茨城県下館市・田谷川堰の汚濁について
- メトプレンによるチカイエカの産卵抑制作用
- 諏訪湖の魚類群集 : 漁業統計からみた変遷
- アオコ大発生のメカニズム (川と湖の生態系)
- ブユ成虫の天敵としてのクモ類
- 叙情の川…千曲川の自然誌 (水と人間(4)川と環境の相関)
- Seasonal variation of denitrification rate in Lake Suwa sediment
- マラリア病原体のオーシスト保有の数が宿主である蚊の行動に及ぼす影響
- 東北地方におけるヒトスジシマカの分布
- 熱帯アジアでの葉腋に発生する蚊
- Aedes (Finlaya) A 群雌成虫にみられる cibarial dome
- 蚊幼虫の寄生線虫 Romanomermis culicivorax 寄生率に及ぼす 2 つの要因
- ヒトスジシマカとリバーズシマカの生息場所
- ミナミマルツチカメムシの生態 : I. 生息状況, 発育, 世代経過について
- 奄美群島におけるカメムシによる人体病害例