- 論文の詳細を見る
Turning the national universities into independent administrative corporations is now a foreseeable event in several years, since the Ministry of Education recently accepted the basic idea. The general law concerning the administrative corporations has already been established;the Ministry has just proposed a special law. But the Ministry's draft has much incongruence with the general law, and its intention is not likely to materialize in final legislation. The universities' reaction to the idea of independent administrative corporation has not been very vigorous. Judging from my own experience in lecturing on the subject in several campuses, many professors are against the idea, but few universities have gone so far to launch an opposing view publicly. National opinion does not seem either to be much interested in the issue. Such indifference is alarming in view of seriousness of the potential impact of the issue on the higher education and research. Indeed, it should be considered as a challenge to activities hitherto in the national universities.
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