科学技術による地域振興 : 山形テクノポリスの事例を通して (<特集>科学技術による地域振興)
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Now it is time that prefectural government should struggle to promote its own 'science and technology' for vitalization of the prefecture. The government should try not only to find out what it has, but also to transfer the power of the national research center to the regional ones, and to foster industries utilizing its own technology. Here it is essential for the administration to utilize its brain and show originality, in order to find a way how to combine the local research resources with the requirements of its industry and how to establish the supporting system for the research. Yamagata University, reorganized recently, has many world-wide research resources, however, it does not make full use of its potentials. The local industries have so far depended on the research results developed by their parent companies, but they began to cultivate their own research and development. official research institutes in Yamagata have played a leading role for the modernization and advancement of local industries, but now they sould reconsider their goals in coordination with the change of industries. It is necessary for the institutes to be reborn as technology-supporting institutes based on their own research and development. Problems to be solved by the local administration, therefore, are how to support both resources in universities and developments in motivated companies and institutes, and how to direct a scenario for establishing new technologies and looking out for local talent. Here it is crucial to have a key person capable encouraging the local talent. Consequently it is important to construct a research system focused on such a 'person' and 'research collaboration'.
- 研究・技術計画学会の論文
- 1995-05-20
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