国内学会と国際学会の一比較 : 経営行動科学学会と環太平洋財務・経済・会計学会を中心として
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There are some differences between Japanese domestic academic conferences and international academic conferences. Firstly, university buildings are used in domestic conferences but hotels are used for international conferences which leads to differences in the total costs of organizing conferences. Organizers may need to raise funds to have conferences in hotels which is usually more expensive. Secondly, the participation fee is paid by money transfer of postal saving in Japan, but by credit card for international conferences. Thirdly, job market activities, especially for new Ph.D. students are often organized at international conferences, but not in Japan. Fourth, book publishers exhibit their publications at many international conferences but rarely in domestic conferences.
- 経営行動科学学会の論文
- 2004-03-25
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