役員報酬, 賞与と企業の市場価値変化との関係について : バブル崩壊前後のパネル分析
- 論文の詳細を見る
The relation between executive remuneration & bonus and corporate performance was analyzed using the data between 1982 and 1998 of 118 manufacturing firms in Japan. The data is divided before and after the collapse of the 'bubble' economy and the tendencies in executive compensation in each period are compared using Panel Analysis. The results indicate that company market value and profitability were reflected in the determination of executive remuneration & bonus more immediately after the collapse of the 'bubble' economy. Further, the changes in degree of influence by sales, ROE, and stockholder structure were examined before and after the collapse of the 'bubble' economy.
- 経営行動科学学会の論文
- 2004-03-25
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