日米ビジネススクールの回顧, 現状と展望
- 論文の詳細を見る
First of all, the author's experience in both the US covering east, west, and south and Japanese Business Schools over forty years in the capacity from graduate student through Professor, Chairperson and Dean is reflected briefly from the viewpoints of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act in the US. regional characteristics, and visitors versus full-time regular appointments. Secondly, the comparison of the present status of Business Schools on the basis of historical background is made from five different angles, i.e., Economics offered in Business Schools, the scale and scope of Business Schools, Tuition and related expenses, the degree of diffusion of distance learning, and respective accreditation organizations. Thirdly, issues and prospects are summarized with emphasis on the tenure system, industry-government-academy collaboration, executive MBAs, and multiple dagree systems. Finally, a comparative disadvantage on the part of the Japanese Business Schools in terms of the number of graduates is highlighted with statistics, and reexamination of the accreditation institution are emphasized.
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- 遠田雄志著, 「あいまい経営学」, 出版社 日刊工業新聞社, 発行 1990年, 四六判, 231ページ, 1,600円
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