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A meta-analysis was conducted based on 24 studies reporting the validity of a personality test and a general cognitive ability test, both of which are subtests of a managerial aptitude test. NMAT(New Managerial Aptitude Test). Criteria used in the studies were typically based on performance appraisals by superiors. Regarding the personality test, the estimated correlation coefficients of Compliance- Leadership (similar to Potency claimed to be a subdimension of the Big5 Extraversion) and of Conservative -Innovative (similar to Achievement claimed to be a subdimension of the Big5 Conscientiousness) were r = 0.311 and r = 0.259 respectively, after correction of range restriction and imperfect reliabilities. As to the cognitive ability test, the estimated validity coefficient of Cognitive Ability was r = 0.257 after correction of range restriction and imperfect reliabilities. In general, the validity of the personality test is higher and the validity of the cognitive ability test is lower than those generally reported in the U.S. The possibility of validity generalization was also explored. For the personality test, 45 to 100% of total variance was accounted for by artificial factors, whereas only 25% was so for the general cognitive ability test. Thus, it was concluded that the validity of the personality test is more stable than that of the cognitive ability test over various factors, such as differences in organizational culture or in job content. The results were discussed in relation to the nature of job environment in Japan, where behaviors regarded as Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) are more explicitly expected and appraised than in the U.S. Further, the possibility was considered that the relatively high validity of the personality test may be partly due to the fact that the predictors had been developed specifically for evaluation of managerial competencies. The article concludes by pointing out the limitations of this study and future directions of the meta-analysis.
- 2000-03-31
内藤 淳
二村 英幸
今城 志保
二村 英幸
今城 志保
内藤 淳
二村 英幸
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