高血圧管理について (第2報) : 境界域高血圧者に対する予防的薬剤投与
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Purpose: The author had already pointed out in Report 1 that the borderline group comprised the most important subjects in order to perform an effective medical care for hypertension in the field of occupational health practice. From this point of view, the effect of drug administration to the borderline-hypertensive group was studied. Methods: 173 men from the borderline-hypertensive group were divided into three groups A, U and C. A-group was administered drug A; included recerpin 0.1 mg. U-group was administered drug U, which had no effect to decrease blood pressure. C-group was the control; .no drug was administered. The blood pressure of each group was examined before administration and also once a month after administration for four months. Results: conclusions of the studies were as follows: 1) Comparing the average of the blood pressure among the three groups, the author found the most remarkable change during the four months in the A-group. 2) By administering drugs, the author obtained good results on the rate of acception of mass examination of the blood pressure. 3) No harmfull reaction of drugs was found during the whole process.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
- 1966-09-20
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- 高血圧管理について (第2報) : 境界域高血圧者に対する予防的薬剤投与
- 高血圧管理について (第1報) : 高血圧検診結果の検討とくに境界域高血圧群の意義
- 高血圧管理について-1・2-