高血圧管理について (第1報) : 高血圧検診結果の検討とくに境界域高血圧群の意義
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Purpose of the study: By studying the relation between the casual blood pressure at preliminary screening and the results of the detailed examination after that, the author tried to find those whose effective medical care for hypertension were essential in the field of occupational health practice. Subjects: In order to see the actual state of the distribution of casual blood pressure, data of the employees (about 3500) of a certain industry were examined, whose blood pressures had been examined twice a year (April and October). To study the relation between the result of the screening examination and that of the detailed examination following it, 153 persons with the following conditions were selected: 1) Those who had their blood pressure examined twice a year during the past three years. 2) Those who were over forty years old. 3) Those whose systolic and diastolic pressures were either or both higher than 140 mm Hg (systolic) and 90 mm Hg (diastolic) at three occasions or more out of six measurements in the past examinations. Methods: The items in the detailed examination were as follows: 1) Anamnesis; past history, family anamnesis, and present complaints. 2) Blood pressure; casual pressure, casual resting pressure, and near basal pressure. In this study we classified the persons with the pressure of 150 mm or more in systole and / or 100 mm or more in diastole as belonging to the hypertensive group, and the persons with the pressure between 140 mm and 150 mm in systole and / or between 100 mm and 90 mm in diastole as belonging to the borderline group. 3) Retinal findings. 4) E.C.G. findings. 5) Serum cholestrol by Zak-Henly-Shibata method. 6) Urinary test; protein, sugar and urobilinogen. Results: 1) The casual blood pressure showed a normal distribution. The rates of the appearance of persons of the hypertensive group were 4.8% (in systole) and 3.6% (in diastole). Those of the borderline group were 15.5% and 8.7% respectively. 2) The rates of the appearance of the hypertensive persons and those of the borderline increased in accordance with the increase of their age. Especially the rate of hypertensive persons showed a rapid increase in the fifties. On the other hand, in the borderline group no such a rapid increase was seen. 3) The borderliners were observed in considerable number among younger persons. 4) The frequency of the hypertension and the borderline hypertension of the workers engaged in the indirect work was higher than that in the direct work in every age group. 5) Among the subjects who sat for detailed examinations, 42.5% belonged to the hypertensive group and the other belonged to the borderline hypertension group. 6) Comparing the results of the detailed examinations of the above two groups, the author noticed that the hypertensive group had higher ratio on the abnormality of E.C.G., especially left venticular hypertrophy, retinal findings, and positivity of protein and sugar in the urine. These differences were statistically significant. 7) Amang the borderline hypertensive group, many showed abnormal findings in E.C.G., retinal changes, and in other tests, though statistical significances were not proved. 8) As to E.C.G., especially ST.T changes and positivity of protein and sugar in the urine, direct workers had higher ratio than indirect workers.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
- 1966-09-20
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- 高血圧管理について (第2報) : 境界域高血圧者に対する予防的薬剤投与
- 高血圧管理について (第1報) : 高血圧検診結果の検討とくに境界域高血圧群の意義
- 高血圧管理について-1・2-