疲労による最大筋力の低下とこれに関する二, 三の因子
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During endurable muscular work, the maximal strength was found to be modified by several factors like proprioceptive activity, sound stimulus, drugs as well as hypnosis. The subject contracted the arm flexor isometrically against the horizontal bar attached with a straingauge recorder once two seconds with the maximal effort up to exhaustion. The electromyograms were recorded from the brachial biceps, brachial triceps and flexor carpi radialis. It was found that the discharge of motor units to the flexor muscles was increased at a stage when the maximal strength was decreased by twenty percent of the initial level of the strength. In the next experiment, the subject contracted the arm flexor on the arm ergometer with a load of 1/3 of the maximal strength once a second up to exhaustion. It was found that electromyograms from the flexor gradually increased in voltage and frequency on later stage of the work. It was supposed that the psychological limit was elevated due to an increased activity of proprioception on the arm after the fatigue of muscle fibers. In later stage of the endurable work with the straingauge tensiometer, the subject was given a sound of "shout" of starting gun or a sound of "shout" by himself. It was found that the maximal strength recovered up to the initial level of the strength and sometimes over the initial level of the strength together with an increase of nerve discharge to the arm flexors. It was supposed that the psychological limit was elevated due to "disinhibition" on the central nervous system with the sound stimulus. It was worthy to note that the elevated level of the maximal strength after administration of amphetamine sulphate was almost the same as with "shout". Hypnosis, however, was most effective for improvement of the expression of the maximal strength. It was supposed that hypnosis induced "disinhibition" on the brain. Here were shown the factors which modified the onset of muscular fatigue and the mechanism was discussed from view point of psychological limit and proprioceptive activity.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
- 1963-09-20
- (1)運動時の吸気酸素分圧と心拍出量 : シンポジュウム(2) : 高所トレーニング
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