亜硫酸ガス中毒に関する臨床的ならびに実験的研究 : 第V編 急性亜硫酸ガス中毒家兎の重曹を注射したさいの血清中Cl, Na, K, Caについて
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Immediately after subjection to a 20-minute inhalation of sulfur dioxide of 1,500 to 2,000 ppm, rabbits were injected through an auricular vein with 7 cc of a 7% sodium bicarbonate solution and a tracing was made of the amounts of serum chlorine, sodium, potassium and calcium as well as variations of urinary pH. The following results were obtained. 1) No notable changes were perceived in the serum chlorine amount, nor there was the decrease already reported in Part IV in a group exposed to sulfur dioxide of high concentration. With reference to the sodium amount, the time of appearance the lowest value was by 90 minutes later than in the group mentioned in Part IV, but no striking difference was observed in the subsequent course. Potassium amount revealed a low value for about 24 hours after the exposure, but returned to normal thereafter. Calcium amount showed no conspicuous changes. Urinary pH inclined toward acidity after the exposure, but it remained within a comparatively slight range until 120 minutes later and became strikingly acidic for the subsequent 24 hours. After this it returned to the per-exposure value. 2) Aside from the above experiment, study was made of the effects on a group of rabbits injected with sodium bicarbonate alone without being subjected to the inhalation of sulfur dioxide, but presence of a conspicuous increase in the sodium amount and do on were not noticed. 3) In the instance of acute sulfur dioxide poisoning, the process in which the liver, etc. temporarily retained acidic substances produced and gradually liberated those into the blood in response to the excretory function was observed in the variation of the sodium amount and urinary pH. 4) Injection of sodium bicarbonate in the case of acute sulfur dioxide poisoning is of use for alleviating the attack directly after inhalation of sulfur dioxide, but much can not be expected of the effectiveness. Summary of Parts I-V Variations in the amounts of chlorine, sodium, potassium and calcium in the sera of humans as well as of rabbits at that time of inhalation of sulfur dioxide are in conformity with the general trends of the alarm reaction period, resistance period and lassitude period which were described by H.Selye. And, these changes are considered to be related to the adrenal reaction centering around the sodium reabsorbing mechanism in the kidney. Moreover, the administration of sodium bicarbonate which has hitherto been used by choice does more harm than good in chronic poisoning, and at the time of acute poisoning, much will not be expected of the drug even though there is a slight effectiveness.
論文 | ランダム
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