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Vibrating tools such as chain-saws, rock-drills, grinders and tie-tampers have been widely used in many kinds of industries in Japan, causing vibration syndrome among the operators. As is well-known, the syndrome includes disorders of the peripheral circulation in the hands, e.g. Raynaud's phenomenon, and of the peripheral and central nervous systems. As the result of preventive countermeasures to the syndrome during the last decade, the picture of the syndrome has been partly changing especially for the patients among the state forestry workers; for example, the prevalence of the peripheral nerve disorders has been relatively increasing compared with that of Raynaud's phenomenon. Peripheral nerve disorders such as numbness, paresthesia and hypesthesia in the upper limbs tend to be usually cumulative and irreversible. The disorders are very important problem of vibration syndrome from the standpoint of treatment and preventation, though there are only a few reports of the study on the disorders using electrophysiological methods. In order to make objectively clear the peripheral nerve disorders, 236 male vibrating tool operators (=Group V) were examined. The following nerve conduction velocities were measured: (1) Maximal motor nerve conduction velocities (MCV) of the median and ulnar nerves in the forearm. (2) Sensory nerve conduction velocities (SCV) of the median and ulnar nerves in the forearm and palm. (3) Residual latency (RL) of the median and ulnar nerves. Besides, working conditions and complaints relevant to vibration syndrome were examined by using questionnaires. MCVs, SCVs and RLs that were outside of mean±2 S.D. of the control group (=Group C), consisting of 30 healthy men, were evaluated as abnormal. The obtained results led to the following conclusions: (1) All MCVs, SCVs and RLs of Group V were significantly less than those of the control group. In Group V, prevalence of the abnormality in each of forearm SCVs was higher than that in each of MCVs of the corresponding nerves. (2) The difference between the median and ulnar SCV in the palm and the respective SCV in the forearm of each subject was significantly greater for Group V than Group C. (Palm-forearm difference) (3) The difference between the forearm and palmar SCV of the ulnar nerve and the respective velocities of the median nerve was statistically greater for Group V than for Group C. (Ulnar-median difference) (4) Ulnar SCV in the palm of Group V was significantly related to the total operating hours of vibrating tools. (5) There was no significant relation between all the nerve conduction velocities and the white finger attack. But a significant relation was noticed between the prevalence of the abnormal values of ulnar SCV in the palm and the peripheral circulatory function score computed from the data of nail press test and cold immersion test.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
- 1982-05-20
- 31. 学校給食調理員における局所疲労に関連した健康障害 (腰痛)
- 155. 振動工具使用者の自覚症状の統計学的解析 (振動)
- 153. 振動病防遏のための社会医学的問題点 : 九州民有林業における振動病健診の成績から (振動)
- 103. 振動工具作業者の末梢神経障害に対する末梢循環障害の関与について (振動)
- 87. 郵政赤バイク振動病の予防についてのその後の問題点 (振動)
- 20. 出稼ぎ労働者の振動病 : 大分県蒲江町の振動病患者のその後の動き (昭和57年度九州地方会)
- 19. 婦人労働者にみられた振動病発生事例 (II) (昭和57年度九州地方会)
- 90. レイノー現象を伴うスポーツ障害について (振動)
- 振動工具使用者の末梢神経伝導速度に関する研究
- 201. 婦人労働者にみられた振動病発生事例 (振動)
- 98. 振動工具使用者の末梢神経障害の検討 (振動)
- 95. モーターバイク走行による生体負担の季節変動 (振動)
- 17. 労働省通達にみる振動業務の範囲について (昭和55年度九州地方会)
- 171. モーターバイク乗務員の振動病特殊健康検診成績について (振動)
- 170. モーターバイクの振動解析 (振動)
- 164. 振動工具取扱者の神経伝導速度に関する研究 (II) (振動)
- 163. 振動工具を使用する道路整備員の振動病特殊検診成績について (振動)
- 農業機械の振動による人体影響に関する研究-2-農業で使用される手持式動力機械の振動測定
- HAVとHBVの重感染についての検討