ヒノキ間伐材を用いた簡易履物の試作 : 兵庫県加美町と震災被災地産業の交流・連携による地域資源の有効活用の可能性を求めての試行(2)
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This study is to discuss about a possibility that the regional resources are utilized effectively through the regional collaboration. In this case, we make a trial of simple slippers made by "Hinoki" with the network of KAMI town in Hyogo prefecture and NAGATA area in Kobe city. The followings are the purpose of our network ; 1) "Hinoki", one of the most important regionai resources in KAMI town and others in there should be utilized effectively. 2) Through the collaboration of NAGATA's "chemical shoes" industry, the earthquake stricken area should be supported. 3) To realize these two matters, new products should be tried to design and to put on the market.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 1998-10-30
- ヒノキ間伐材を用いた簡易履物の試作 : 兵庫県加美町と震災被災地産業の交流・連携による地域資源の有効活用の可能性を求めての試行(2)
- ヒノキ間伐材を用いた簡易履物の提案 : 兵庫県加美町と震災被災地産業の交流・連携による地域資源の有効活用の可能性を求めての試行
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- 視覚障害に配慮した碁の開発 : ユニバーサルデザインの視点から(作品発表,芸術工学会2009年度秋期大会(神戸))
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