- 論文の詳細を見る
The living environments have been designed for ordinary persons until now. Therefore, the behaviors of aged and handicapped persons in their life do not fit to these living environments. Many persons are facing some troubles. And they can not use the living environments comfortably and safety. Considering in this background, the design for living environments with concept which is aiming to the widly acceptable design regardless of age and ability being required urgently. But there is no guideline to design living environments. In this study, aiming to establish the guideline, the procedure to solve misfits between users and living environments is proposed.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 1998-10-30
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- デザイン・コンセプトの構造化に関する試み
- 107 デザイン・コンセプトの構造分析に関する研究(Design理論・方法論〔II〕)
- 高齢者の生きがいデザインに関する研究 : 行政による生きがい対策の分析
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- 高齢者の生きがい環境に関する研究2
- 生活活性化デザインとしての「装い」に関する基礎的研究 : 高齢者の「装い」意識に関する調査
- デザインと標準化