- 論文の詳細を見る
Cyanobacteria can oxidize water using light energy, and which causes evolving oxygen molecules. In the history of life on the Earth, the origin of cyanobacteria is not so old, and anoxygenic photosynthesis has been established prior to the first appearance of oxygenic photosynthesis. Such phototrophs that photosynthesize without oxygen production still survive up to now and frequently found in various environments. Anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria are taxonomically divided into four groups : filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (FAPB), purple bacteria (PB), green sulfur bacteria (GSB), and heliobacteria (HB). Cyanobacteria are known to use two different types of photopigment-containing protein complex, i. e., photosystem I (PS I) and photosystem II (PS II), in their oxygenic photosynthesis, whereas anoxygenic phototrophs possess only one of two photosystem-types. GSB and HB contain a PS I-type photosystem in their photosynthesis, while FAPB and PB contain a PS II-type photosystem. The phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA sequence and comparison of the photochemical structure among the phototrophic bacteria suggested that the origin of anoxygenic photosynthesis is much older than that of oxygenic photosynthesis and a photosynthetic core complex in the first phototroph appeared to be similar to a PS II-type photosystem. In the evolutionary pathway of photosynthesis, a PS II-type phototroph emerged first, and then a PS I-type phototroph came out. Oxygenic photosynthesis that appeared subsequently to anoxygenic photosynthesis originated from genetic incorporation of these two different types of photosystems.
- 生命の起原および進化学会の論文
- 2005-01-10
花田 智
産業技術総合研 生物機能工学研究部門
花田 智
花田 智
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- 光合成の出現と進化
- ISSM(国際地下圏微生物シンポジウム)サテライトシンポジウム「環境ゲノム研究の最前線-メタゲノム解析から機能解析まで-」開催報告(シンポジウム報告)
- 『バイオディバーシティ・シリーズ4 菌類・細菌・ウイルスの多様性と系統』, 岩槻邦男, 馬渡俊輔 監修, 杉山純多 編集, 裳華房, 2005年(ISBN4-7853-5827-0), 6,800円
- 光合成の起源を知るための鍵:温泉バイオマット中の始源的光合成細菌(バイオミディア2003)