Effects of a Structured Stress Management Program on Psychological and Physiological Indicators among Marine Hazard Rescues
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Acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety disorder are well-documented consequences of disasters and accidents. Moreover, rescuers have various stresses in daily work including those associated with training. We have investigated the physical and mental states of marine hazards rescue services in Japan for 6 yr. Their daily responsibilities, including dispatch and training, were physically and mentally burdensome. There might be a risk of health impairment, but this cannot be avoided because of the demanding work needed to conduct rescues. It is possible to change the ability to cope with stress by education and training Two stress management programs, a "Structured stress management Program" composed of psycho-education, group discussion and relaxation training, and a "psycho-education program only", were devised as strategies for promoting more efficient work considering safety and for upgrading competence to carry out rescues. The effects of these programs were evaluated. Subjects and Methods Subjects The subjects were marine hazard rescue service personnel (28 men), all persons belonging to a public agency (not civilian). Their main responsibility was to handle various marine disasters and accidents, such as saving people from hulls and overturned ships by coming down from a helicopter, and handling fires and explosions on ships loading dangerous objects, searching for victims, and so on. They have been divided into 5 groups. Each group consisted of 5-6 persons.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
SATO Keiko
Department of Molecular Biology-Institute of Gerontology and Department of Internal Medicine II, Nip
HOSAKA Takashi
Department of Phychology, Tohkai University School of Medicine
Hosoya Takashi
Department Of Psychiatry And Behavioral Science Tokai University School Of Medicine
UEMURA Michiru
Department of Occupational Health Education, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Department of Occupational Health Education, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Department of Occupational Health Education, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
MANO Yoshihiro
Department of Occupational Health Education, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Department of Hygienic Science, Kobe Phamaceutical University
奥田 三奈
Department Of Health Education Division Of Comprehensive Health Nursing Sciences Graduate School Of
Yamami Nobuo
東京医科歯科大学大学院保健衛生学研究科 健康教育学分野
Kawamoto Yuko
Department Of Hygienic Science Kobe Phamaceutical University
Kawamoto Yuko
Department Of Occupational Health Education Hyperbaric Medical Center Graduate School Of Allied Heal
Uemura Michiru
Department Of Health Education Division Of Comprehensive Health Nursing Sciences Graduate School Of
Hosaka T
Center For Specialized Clinical Science Tokai University School Of Medisine
Mano Yoshihiro
東京医科歯科大学大学院保健衛生学研究科 健康教育学分野
Mano Yoshihiro
Department Of Health Education Division Of Comprehensive Health Nursing Sciences Graduate School Of
Department of Occupational Health Education, Hyperbaric Medical Center, Graduate School of Allied He
Department of Community Health Nursing, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
KYOYA Minako
Course of Community Health Nursing, The Japanese Red Cross Musashino Junior College of Nursing
Department of Mental Health Nursing, Nagano College of Nursing
TOGAWA Sejichiro
Department of Occupational Health Education, Hyperbaric Medical Center, Graduate School of Allied He
Department of Human Relations, Department of Humanities, Komazawa Women's University
Yamami Nobuo
Department Of Health Education Division Of Comprehensive Health Nursing Sciences Graduate School Of
Togawa Sejichiro
A0yagi Miki
Department Of Community Health Nursing Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Mizuno Eriko
Department Of Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing St. Luke's College Of Nursing
Kyoya Minako
Course Of Community Health Nursing The Japanese Red Cross Musashino Junior College Of Nursing
Hosaka Takashi
Department Of Phychology Tohkai University School Of Medicine
Kamiyama Kimika
Department Of Occupational Health Education Hyperbaric Medical Center Graduate School Of Allied Heal
Sato Keiko
Department Of Molecular Biology-institute Of Gerontology And Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Nipp
Sato Keiko
Department Of Epidemiology And Health Care Research Graduate School Of Medicine And Public Health Ky
Sato Keiko
Department Of Occupational Health Education Hyperbaric Medical Center Graduate School Of Allied Heal
Kawamoto Yuko
Department of Clinical Neurology and Stroke Medicine, Yokohama City University, Japan
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