Strength and Perceived Exertion in Isometric and Dynamic Lifting with Three Different Hand Locations
- 論文の詳細を見る
The dynamic and isometric strength and physical stress in symmetric and asymmetric lifting were measured with some common pairs of hand locations and a pair of clearly defined foot positions. In the experiment, eleven healthy male students were required to lift a small box attached to the arm of a dynamometer. The size of the box was 29 cm long, 24.5 cm wide and 23 cm high, and it weighed 10 kg. Both hands were located at three different positions on the box ; the two handles near the upper edges of the box gripped with the hands (Handle type), the bottom on either side (Bottom type), and the left lower proximal corner and the right upper distal corner (Oblique type). The dynamic and isometric forces at the three hand locations were significantly different, and the least values were observed in the Oblique type irrespective of the lifting angle. Perceived exertions on the category scale (CR-10) for the left arm were very high in Oblique type lifting with any combination of height and symmetry during dynamic lifting. Therefore the burden of Oblique type lifting was thought to be greater than in the other two types of lifting, if workers are ordered to handle a box in otherwise identical conditions. In dynamic lifting Handle type lifting was thought to be the best among the three types.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
Nagoya University
安藤 詳子
Hattori Y
Daido Inst. Technol. Nagoya Jpn
Takeuchi Y
Nagoya Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine
Takeuchi Y
National Inst. Radiological Sci. Chiba Jpn
Ando Shoko
Nagoya University School of Health Sciences
Ono Yuichiro
Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Department of Public Health
Shimaoka Midori
Nagoya University, Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness, and Sports
Hiruta Shuichi
Nagoya University, Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness, and Sports
Hattori Yoji
Daido Institute of Technology, Department of Physical Education
Hori Fumiko
Gifu College of Medical Technology
Imaeda Toshihiko
Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Department of Public Health
Shimaoka M
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Hiruta S
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
安藤 詳子
名古屋大学 医学部保健学科
安藤 詳子
日本赤十字豊田看護大学 看護学部
Hori F
Gifu Coll. Medical Technol. Seki Jpn
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