Effect of a Growth Inhibitor on the Hydroxyproline Level in Cell Wall of Zea Primary Roots
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Evidence supporting the view that there is an inverse relationship between the hydroxyproline-protein level in the cell wall and the ability of a cell to undergo rapid cell elongation was obtained. A growth inhibitor extracted from Zea primary roots accelerated the incorporation of radioactivity derived from ^<14>C-proline into the sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)-insoluble cell wall fraction. However, the inhibitor had no effect on the ratio of hydroxyproline to proline that was incorporated into the SLS-insoluble fraction. We have discussed what this growth inhibitor may mean in the geotropic curvature of Zea primary roots.
Kato Ryoichi
Institute Of Biological Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Suzuki Takashi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Fujii Tadashi
Institute Of Biological Science The University Of Tsukuba
Suzuki Takashi
Institute Of Biological Sciences University Of Tsukuba
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