エル・グレコの作品解釈の背景(分科会第三部会<音楽史学部門>, 美学会第九回全国大会研究発表)
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Many interpretations have been put on EL GRECO's bold deformation, such as the mysticism, the astigmatism, the byzantinism and the right of deformation. I took up various theories of interpretations on his works following the order they appeared under definte forms, depicting each one of their background and at the same time tracing up the progress of their evaluation. Of course, I have included such interpretations as the deliration and the astigmatism among my investigation, even though they may have no scientific value and paid a proper consideration upon the sources producing each one of these interpretations.
- 美学会の論文
- 1958-12-25
- エル・グレコの作品解釈の背景(分科会第三部会, 美学会第九回全国大会研究発表)
- ザーリス, 『古代とルネサンス』, Arnold von Salis, Antike und Renaissanceu, ber Nachleben und Weiterwirken der Alten in der neueren Kunst, Zurich, 1947, 280S.