- 論文の詳細を見る
A mica-smectite interstratified clay mineral was found in the Hiraki mine. Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Main X-ray diffraction peaks appear at 26.8Å, 12.4Å, 5.09Å. 3.16Å except those of kaolinite and quartz. This diffraction data were plotted on the Sato's diagram calculated theoretically which showed the relation between X-ray diffraction pattern and the ratio of mica smectite composition. This clay is composed of mica (62%) and smectite (38%). Chemical analysis gave SiO_2 47.25%, Al_2O_3 35.75%. TiO_2 0.11%, Fe_2O_3 0.12%, CaO 1.23%, K_2O 4.91%, Na_2O 0.35% and Ig. loss 11.51%.
- 日本粘土学会の論文
- 1980-06-25
- 4 赤外スペクトルによるカオリナイトの分類
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- 焼成したカオリナイトおとびセリサイト中の鉄イオンの ESR による研究
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- 船生レクトライトについて
- 3. 愛媛県産陶石中の粘土鉱物について
- B14.亜鉛マット釉の結晶相について(研究発表講演要旨)
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