The Absorption of Organomercurial Compounds from the Vaginal Route of the Rabbits. I. Comparative Study on the Effect of Suppository Vehicles on the Absorption of ω-Ethylmercurithio-n-undecanoic Acid, Phenylmercuric Acetate and Ethylmercuric Chloride afte
- 論文の詳細を見る
Absorption rates of three kinds of organomercurial compounds from the rabbit's vagina were studied in refference to suppository vehicles. Several types of emulsion base and Carbowax 2000 were employed as vehicles. The compounds were labelled with isotope Hg^<203> and the blood concentration was chronologically determined after a single vaginal administration of suppository. Modifications of the composition of emulsion vehicle resulted in some changes of an actual absorption rate for phenylmercuric acetate, because of the replacement reaction of the mercurial in the vehicle. No significant differences were observed of the influences of the type and phase ratio of emulsion vehicle on the absorption rate. When Carbowax 2000 was used as vehicle, phenylmercuric acetate showed a higher blood level than that of ω-ethylmercurithio-n-undecanoic acid or ethylmercuric chloride. It was concluded that the rate of absorption of mercurial compounds contained in suppository vehicle through rabbit's vagina was related to the water solubility and oil-water distribution coefficient of the compounds employed.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1964-05-25
青木 大
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
鎌田 皎
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
福地 坦
Hospital Pharmacy, Osaka University
福地 坦
Hospital Pharmacy Osaka University
福地 坦
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University
小林 勘次郎
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University
有本 安男
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University
有本 安男
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
小林 勘次郎
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
- Studies on Absorption of Drugs. VI. Effects of Buffer Components on the Absorption of Drugs
- Biological Activity of Drugs. XI. Relation of Structure to the Bacteriostatic Activity of Sulfonamides. (2)
- Biological Activity of Drugs. X. Relation of Structure to the Bacteriostatic Activity of Sulfonamides. (1)
- Biological Activities of Drugs. IX. Structure-Activity Relationship of Sulfonamide Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors.
- Application of Surface Active Agents to Pharmaceutical Preparations. XV. Factors Affecting on the Preparation of Oil-in-Water Emulsion. (1). A New Determination of a Required HLB and an Adaptability of Surfactants to Oils
- Biological Activities of Drugs. VIII. Structure-Activity Relationship of Sulfonamide Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors. (3)
- Studies on Fatty Acid Esters of Pyridoxine. VI. Effects of Surfaceactive Agents on the Gastro-intestinal Absorption of Pyridoxine 3,4-Dipalmitate in Man
- Biological Activities of Drugs. VII. Structure-Activity Relationship of Sulfonamide Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors. (2)
- Studies on Pharmaceutical Suspension. IV. Flocculation of Dispersed Phase and Structural Viscosity
- Studies on Absorption of Drugs. IV. Effects of Surface Active Agents on Intestinal Absorption of Drugs
- Biological Activities of Drugs. VI. Structure-Activity Relationship of Sulfonamide Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors. (1)
- Studies on Fatty Acid Esters of Pyridoxine. II. Percutaneous Absorption of Pyridoxine and Its Derivatives
- ピリドキシン脂肪酸エステルの薬剤学的研究 : (VII)PyridoxineおよびPyridoxine 3,4-dioctanoateの経皮吸収(2)経皮吸収におよぼす基剤の影響
- ピリドキシン脂肪酸エステルの薬剤学的研究 : (V)数種エステルの人における消化管吸収
- ピリドキシン脂肪酸エステルの薬剤学的研究 : (IV)シロネズミの反転腸管による各種ピリドキシン脂肪酸エステルの消化管吸収
- ピリドキシン脂肪酸エステルの薬剤学的研究 : (III)Pyridoxine 5-octanoateの合成および物理化学的性質
- 127.ピリドキシン脂肪酸エステルの薬剤学的研究(IV) : 消化管吸収(一般研究発表要旨)
- Biological Activities of Drugs. IV. Physicochemical Factors Affecting the Excretion of Sulfonamides in Rats
- Biological Activities of Drugs. III. Physicochemical Factors Affecting the Excretion of Sulfonamides in Rabbits
- 粉末薬剤の滑沢化について(第6報) : 炭酸水素ナトリウムにステアリン酸マグネシウムを加えた際にみられる流動化の機構について
- Biopharmaceutical Studies of Thiazide Diuretics. I. Determination of pK_a Values and Partition Coefficients of Thiazide Diuretics
- In Vitro Percutaneous Transport of Sodium Diclofenac and Diclofenac from Oleaginous Vehicle
- In Vitro Transport of Sodium Diclofenac across Rat Abdominal Skin : Effect of Selection of Oleaginous Component and the Addition of Alcohols to the Vehicle
- Release of Sodium Diclofenac from Vehicles Prepared with Hydrogenated Soya Lecithin and Methyl Palmitate
- Preparation of Controlled-Release Granules of Sodium Diclofenac(Pharmaceutical)
- Rectal Delivery of Antiinflammatory Drugs. II. The Influence of Basic Amino Acid Salts on Rectal Absorption of Diclofenac
- Rectal Delivery of Antiinflammatory Drugs. I. The Influence of Antiinflammatory Drugs on Rectal Absorption of β-Lactam Antibiotics
- Studies on Pharmaceutical Suspensions. (1). On the Structural Viscosity of Oil Suspensions
- The Absorption of Organomercurial Compounds from the Vaginal Route of the Rabbits. II. Distribution and Excretion of ω-Ethylmercurithio-n-undecanoic Acid and Phenylmercuric Acetate.
- The Absorption of Organomercurial Compounds from the Vaginal Route of the Rabbits. I. Comparative Study on the Effect of Suppository Vehicles on the Absorption of ω-Ethylmercurithio-n-undecanoic Acid, Phenylmercuric Acetate and Ethylmercuric Chloride afte
- Effect of Isoxazolyl-penicillin on the Rectal Absorption of Ampicillin in Rabbits and Humans
- Studies of Absorption Promoters for Rectal Delivery Preparations. II. A Possible Mechanism of Promoting Efficacy of Enamine Derivatives in Rectal Absorption
- Influence of Diethyl Maleate-Induced Loss of Thiols on Cefmetazole Uptake into Isolated Epithelial Cells and on Cefmetazole Absorption from Ileal Loop of Rats(Pharmaceutical)
- Effect of Diethyl Maleate and Sodium Salicylate on Cefmetazole Transport in the in Vitro Rat Everted Intestinal Sac : Influence of Ca^ and Vanadate in the Media(Pharmaceutical)
- マクロゴールを基剤としたインドメタシン坐剤の放出試験
- Rectal Delivery of Antiinflammatory Drugs. III. Effect of Basic Amino Acid Salts of Diclofenac on the Rectal Absorption of Ampicillin Sodium
- Rectal Delivery of Antiinflammatory Drugs. IV. Effect of Amino Acids on the Change in the Rectal Mucosa induced by Diclofenac Sodium
- Biopharmaceutical Studies of Thiazide Diuretics. II. High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Determination of Hydrochlorothiazide in Plasma, Urine, Blood Cells and Bile
- Formation and Hydrolysis of Enamine in Aqueous Solution
- Stability of p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid Esters in an Acidic Medium
- Studies on Absorption of Drugs. VII. Absorption of Isomeric N^1-Heterocyclic Sulfonamides from the Rat Small Intestines and Relations between Physicochemical Property and Absorption of Unionized Sulfonamides
- Studies on Absorption of Drugs. VIII. Physicochemical Factors affecting the Absorption of Sulfonamides from the Rat Small Intestine
- Ion-Pair High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Sulpyrine and Its Metabolites in Rabbit Plasma
- 消炎酵素剤の溶出試験と腸溶性皮膜の耐酸性の評価
- Enhancement of Rectal Absorption of Ampicillin by Sodium Salicylate in Rabbits
- Inhibition of Gluconeogenesis by Salicylate and 5-Methoxysalicylate in Liver of Normal and Alloxan-Diabetic Rats(Pharmaceutical)
- Effect of Nonprotein Thiols in the Intestinal Tissue on the Transport of Salicylate
- Effect of Salicylate and Disodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid on the Rat Intestinal Absorption of Cefmetazole
- Enamine Formation of Various Amino Acids with Ethyl Acetoacetate in Aqueous Solution in Relation to Colonic Absorption of Cefmetazole
- Rectal Absorption of [Asu^]-Eel Calcitonin in Rats
- Rectal Absorption of Lysozyme and Heparin in Rabbits in the Presence of Non-surfactant Adjuvants
- Biopharmaceutical Study of Pyrithioxin following Oral and Intravenous Administration to Dog
- Blood Concentration and Urinary Excretion Profiles following Oral Administration of Esters of Pyrithioxin to Dogs
- Determination of Pyrithioxin and Its Metabolites in Blood and Urine of Dogs by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Biopharmaceutical Study on the Oral and Rectal Administrations of Enamine Prodrugs of Amino Acid-like β-Lactam Antibiotics in Rabbits
- Effect of Salicylate on the Binding of Sulfonamides to Bovine Serum Albumin
- Effect of Salicylate on the Metabolism and Urinary Excretion of Sulfonamides in the Rat
- Effect of Salicylate on the Blood Concentration Profile and Distribution of Sulfonamides in Rat
- Effect of Salicylate on the Distribution of Sulfonamides to Red Blood Cells in Rat
- Study of Enamine Derivatives of Phenylglycine as Adjuvants for the Rectal Absorption of Insulin
- Studies on Absorption Promoters for Rectal Delivery Preparations. I. Promoting Efficacy of Enamine Derivatives of Amino Acids for the Rectal Absorption of β-Lactam Antibiotics in Rabbits
- Role of Acetone Bodies in the Abnormal Pharmacokinetic Behavior of Chlorpropamide in Alloxan Diabetic Rabbits
- On the Mechanism of Increased Renal Tubular Reabsorption of Drugs in Alloxan Diabetic Rabbits
- Pharmacokinetic Behavior of Chlorpropamide and Sulfadimethoxine in Alloxan Diabetic Rabbits
- 界面活性剤の製剤への応用研究(第14報) : 非イオン性界面活性剤による乳化系の転相温度に関する研究その3 添加成分の影響
- 界面活性剤の製剤への応用研究(第13報) : 非イオン性界面活性剤による乳化系の転相温度に関する研究その2 転相温度の支配要因
- Blood Chemistry in Alloxan Diabetic Rabbits
- Pharmacokinetic Behavior of Sulfamethoxazole in Alloxan Diabetic Rabbits
- ジブカイン塩基の物理化学的性質および作用性に及ぼす対イオンの影響に関する研究(第4報) : ジブカイン塩基の蛋白結合に及ぼす影響
- ジブカイン塩基の物理化学的性質および作用性に及ぼす対イオンの影響に関する研究(第3報) : 蛙坐骨神経の興奮伝導遮断作用と親媒性に及ぼす影響
- ジブカイン塩基の物理化学的性質および作用性に及ぼす対イオンの影響に関する研究(第2報) : 蛙坐骨神経を使用した, 作用時間および作用強度の測定法について
- ジブカイン塩基の物理化学的性質および作用性に及ぼす対イオンの影響に関する研究(第1報) : 親媒性と表面麻痺作用に及ぼす影響
- 生物薬剤学への応用 (薬物の構造活性相関--ドラッグデザインと作用機作研究への指針)