胃疾患に繁用される漢方方剤及び構成生薬エキス, 生薬含有成分のH, K-ATPase活性に及ぼす影響
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We studied the effects of 17 kinds of Kampo-formulations prescribed for the treatment of peptic ulcer on H,K-ATPase activity. The activity was strongly inhibited by San-o-shashin-to (三黄瀉心湯, IC50=82 μg/ml), Bukuryo-in (茯苓飲, IC50=110 μg/ml), Shakuyaku-kanzo-to (芍薬甘草湯, IC50=170 μg/ml), Hange-koboku-to (半夏厚朴湯, IC50=290 μg/ml), Dai-saiko-to (大柴胡湯, IC50=340 μg/ml), Irei-san (胃苓散, IC50=380 μg/ml) than other Kampo-formulations. Among the 17 kinds of crude drugs contained in these Kampo-formulation, Rhei Rhizoma, Coptidis Rhizoma, Glycyrrhiza Radix, Cinnamomi Cortex, and Poria have notable inhibitory effects (IC50=19∼57 μg/ml). H,K-ATPase activity was inhibited by sennoside A (Rhei Rhizoma), sennoside B (Rhei Rhizoma), ergosterol (Poria), coptisine (Coptidis Rhizoma), glycyrrhizin (Glycyrrhiza Radix), glycyrrhetic acid (Glycyrrhiza Radix), gallic acid (Cinnamomi Cortex) in the 21 components of these crude drugs (IC50=1.6∼7.9×10-4M). The inhibition of San-o-shashin-to and Bukuryo-in is considered to be mainly attributed to Rhei Rhizoma and Poria, respectively. The anti-gastric ulcer effects of San-o-shashin-to and Bukuryo-in may be ascribed to the inhibition of H,K-ATPase activity.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2001-02-01
山内 浩
佐藤 かな子
長井 二三子
瀬戸 隆子
山内 浩
東京都立大久保病院 東洋医学科
- 胃疾患に繁用される漢方方剤及び構成生薬エキス, 生薬含有成分のH, K-ATPase活性に及ぼす影響
- 31B-01 胃疾患に繁用される漢方方剤および構成生薬エキスの H, K-ATPase 活性におよぼす影響
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- P-25 H, K-ATPase 活性に対する茯苓飲の影響
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