- 論文の詳細を見る
Fluorescent intensity of lumogallion, a fluorescent complex by the addition of aluminium ion after association with primary, secondary and tertiary n-alkylamines was compared with that of calcon. In the result, lumogallion formed a well extractable complex with tertiary amines but merely produced a complex with secondary amines and not produced a complex with primary amines. This method was applied to the determination of local anesthetics and psychotropic agents. Carpipramine, opipramol, benactyzine, chlorpromazine, procaine and lidocaine could be determined in the range of 2×10^<-8>-10^<-9> mol/ml sample (ca. 8×10^<-10>-10^<-11> mol/ml measurement solution). Primary and secondary amines at least less than equal molar in the sample did not interfer the determination. Recoveries of carpipramine and chlorpromazine in milk were 99 to 103%.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1984-04-25
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