Sustained Release of Insulin from a Hydrophilic Polymer Matrix Implanted in Diabetic Rats
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A long-acting insulin preparation involving the sustained release of biologically active insulin from a hydrophilic ethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVAl) matrix was developed. A single subcutaneous implant of this insulin lowered the blood glucose levels of diabetic rats for more than one month. These results suggest that a long-acting insulin may be produced by the entrapment of insulin within a hydrophilic EVAl copolymer matrix.
- 1988-09-25
宮崎 正三
高田 昌彦
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido
宮崎 正三
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Science University of Hokkaido
高田 昌彦
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashi-nippon-gakuen University
高田 昌彦
北海道医療大 薬
横内 千鶴子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Higashi-Nippon Gakuen University
横内 千鶴子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashi-nippon-gakuen University
高田 昌彦
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashi-nippon Gakuen University
宮崎 正三
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashi-nippon-gakuen University
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