糖衣の研究(第3報) : 糖衣錠用裸錠の形について その2
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In continuation of the preceding report on the effect of the shape of tablets on the ease or difficulty of sugar coating from experimental evidences, some theoretical considerations were made on this problem. The greatest factor that influences the ease or difficulty of sugar coating procedure was taken as the technical volume which corresponds to the volume of sugar coating in the flange, and the ratio of this technical volume to the total volume of sugar coating was taken as the coefficient of the degree of difficulty. This coefficient agreed well with the experimental one. There are many factors that affect ease of difficulty of sugar coating process, such as the shape of the tablet to be sugar-coated, nature of such tablets, or the nature of liquid and powder for sugar coating, but if it were assumed that all the factors other than the shape can be made constant, the ease, or difficulty of sugar coating can be predicted by making tablets in such a shape that the theoretical coefficient for the degree of difficulty, K_0,becomes constant in order to carry out sugar coating by the same degree of ease, irrespective of the size of the tablets to be coated.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1967-12-25
- Thiamine disulfideにかんする研究 : (VI)O-Benzoylthiamine disulfide類の微生物活性について
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- 医薬品製剤中の各種ビタミン類相互間の安定性に関する研究 : (I)顆粒および錠剤中のビタミンB_1塩類とビタミンC間の安定性について
- ビタミンB_6に関する研究 : (V)ピリドキサール・アシル化体の経口投与時の血中挙動
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- ビタミンA高分子誘導体
- 14.ビタミンB_1-SS型高分子誘導体(第141回会議研究発表要旨)
- 3.ビタミンB_1高分子誘導体(第137回会議研究発表要旨)
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- 高分子と医薬品
- 合成高分子の医薬品への応用
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